depends if you're welsh or not :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Dudley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 May 2001 15:41
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Joke: best in along time

hehe, If you flip Scotland for Wales, it works a lot better ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 May 2001 14:09
To: CF-Community
Subject: Joke: best in along time

 > A tourist goes to Scotland on vacation. He decides
 > to spend one afternoon in an old Scottish pub. He
 > has a seat and looks around. He notices an old,
 > haggard man sitting a few stools down from him.
 > 'Looks like a regular,' that tourist thinks to
 > himself.
 > 'I think I'll have what he's having, a nice pint
 > of Guiness.'
 > So the tourist orders a Guiness.  A few minutes
 > later, the old man looks up from his glass and
 > says rather loudly, in a thick Scottish accent,
 > 'You see this bar here? I built this me-self. I
 > drafted it in me own basement, and did all the
 > woodwork me-self. Took me three and a half weeks,
 > but do they call me 'Arthur McDougal: Barbuilder?'
 > No.'
 > The tourist stares at the man in bewilderment.
 > Several minutes later, the old man looks up again.
 > 'You see that fence out there? I built that me-
 > self. Dragged every stone there. None of 'em is
 > less than 150 pounds, and I dragged each one no
 > less than three-quarters of a mile. But do they
 > call me 'Arthur McDougal:Fencebuilder?' No.'
 > The tourist is really worried about this man's
 > mental health by this time. Once again Arthur
 > looks up.'You see that bridge out there? I did
 > that me-self. I drafted it in me own basement and
 > was on the construction site every day. I even
 > chose the building materials, but do they call me
 > 'Arthur McDougal:  Bridgebuilder?' No. But you
 > screw just one sheep...'
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