And here I thought I was having a good day. You ruined it Gel! :-) Hand me some of 
those muffins, I've had enough...

Mark Stewart
Communication Concepts
215.672.6900 x1332

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/01 09:36AM >>>
"Equipment Crashes, Croaks
"Our whole nation is vulnerable," says David Schriner, a weapons specialist
and engineer who codesigned the radio frequency device. "We dance along with
all this high technology, and we're very dependent on it. But if it breaks,
where will we be?"

Though less dramatic than those officials envisioned, the RF weapon
demonstrated did inflict noticeable damage on an assortment of electronic
equipment. Computer screens flickered and froze, medical equipment died, and
a home security system lost all power. Even a camera, purchased earlier in
the week to videotape the demonstration, came too close to the radiation
pulses and was added to the list of casualties.

When building the RF device, the scientists stuck to using "backyard means"
to see how easily it could be done. They bought all the components from
retail stores or online, finding some on eBay. Total cost for the parts ran
about $10,000.

"There's nothing classified," Schriner says. "This is all homegrown stuff,
everyday tools and parts. And though we're a bright group, we're certainly
not unique. Others, including terrorist groups, could do this very easily."

yes can build an RF device for about US10,000 that will disrupt
or totally destroy nearly all electronic equipment in a certain radius.
Forgetting the fact that youmight probably be exposing yourself to
carcinogenic radiation in the process...we now have the ability to make EMP
devices so common in video games to disable robots.

The 10 grand is a bit steep, and of course the article doesn't say HOW to do
it, but the parts and methods have been available on the open market for
quite sme time apparently.

Could you imagine what would happen if someone walked into the US stock
exchange with this ina  briefcase and turned it on?
It seems that we must now have EMP and RF Shielded computers for all our
mission critical stuff ^_^
heh heh.,aid,49048,00.asp 

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