You still don't get it do you? But then maybe you are one of the one's
making a living off of these games. That's fine so long as you know where to
draw the line. Nothing magical happens at age 18. Immaturity does not
magically go away when one turns 18. If one has no values nor the ability to
make moral decisions at 18 and lacks value for human life, turning 18 won't
fix it. I don't blame the games. The fact that they exist is just a symptom
of the degradation of our society. A moral society will be self policing -
meaning that the citizenry will take care of itself. Its not up to the
government. Angel, wake up and quit living in your fantasy game world. The
world is not black and white as your comments make it seem. You advocate
throwing out the baby with the bathwater. You speak of facts but your
comments are nothing more than emotional parrotings with no proof one way or
the other. Facts matter. Get your feelings from the facts don't find facts
that justify how you feel. There is a huge difference. Your assumptions
regarding the "what if's" are quite illogical and somewhat scary 8-) I would
not like them either. But level heads hopefully prevail and what's best for
everyone will prevail.

See other comments below.

Jim Nitterauer

Who's impressionable??
The age of the average gamer, and the majority of the gaming market now,
believe it or 18 and over.
Research has shown that after age 5 or 7 children have matured enough to
know the difference between right and wrong, real and imaginary.

>>> How will they know what is right and what is wrong if they are not
taught? Nobody is born with this knowledge. Its the >>> ones who have NOT
been taught that are the problem

Do you know that one of the "proofs" that companies were advertising to
minors, was the fact that sites such as or
had advertisements for Quake and SOldier Of Fortune on their sites?
The rationale, false and inane in my view..and specious at Best, was that
these sites are accessible to minors and children..because they are 'game'

Why should my level of entertainment suffer because some morons might go out
and shoot someone for reasons that have nothing to do with the game I want
to play?

>>>  Because you are a member of the society. Society does not exist to make
you happy. Seems that the real reason for the >>>  defense is selfishness
hidden behind some political personal freedom smoke screen.

Music was also thought to influence people to kill, or take their own life.
Would you prefer your music be thoroughly censored so the only thing you
hear on the radio is "Happy happy" songs and advertisements? (Ever seen that
show with Stallone where he was revived in 2030 to fight Wesley Snipes? I
forget the name..)

>>>  Unless you live under a rock, you must know how deeply music can and
does influence people's emotional state. Just
>>>  listen to how music is used in any good movie.

Would you like to hear me singing,"Here comes the Muffin Man..the Muffin
MAn..the Muffin Man!" every morning as a top Ten Single?

>>> Scary

Should the freedoms of the responsible majority be taken away because of the
actions of an irresponsible minority?


How do you feel about Communism?

>>> Stick to the point

How do you feel about a Government controlling what you see and hear?

>>> They already do. In a perfect world, it would be unnecessary but since
its not perfect...

Now its "Protecting the children".
America has spent billions and billions of its tax payers money in a futile
and ineffectual War On Drugs becase a group of housewives got scared when
their kids were doing pot, and wanted the **government** to do something
about it.

>>> Get real. Where did you come up with this?

Will the same thing now happen with our entertainment medias?

When will those that know better, and are in a position to make a
difference, stand and speak out against this ignorant majority?

>>> The rest of your ranting makes no sense....

When did it become Politically Incorrect to dispel these myths and look at
the cold hard facts and say that, "Hey..all the research has found that
video games do not cause violence,and the children's parents have the final
say as to what they should or should not play or watch."

Where do the kids get the 50US to go purchase a video game?
Where do they play it and on what?
In some secret Alternate- Kid- dimension away from adult influence?

And you know what the final nail in the coffin is for these new 'theories'
on Columbine?
School violence hasn't suddenly started in the US.
It was present for several years in Inner-city public schools and so called
'ghettoes' in the US.
Never made the national news headlines.

School violence has suddenly reached Middle and Upperclass America.
Now suddenly its the fault of the Entertainment Industry.

Island Gaming At Its Best!(tm)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Nitterauer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

But we should all question the character of any company that would condone
the marketing of such games to impressionable people all in the name of
making a profit. These people should use their talents in more positive

Jim Nitterauer
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