1. A friend opens a magazine full of scantily-clad members of your
   preferred sex.  Do you:
    A.  Openly Ogle
    B.  Act Non-Chalant
    C.  Comment "Gee, that's got to be at least 400 dpi, colour!"
    D.  Slip the hand down the pants for a bit of good, old-fashioned
        executive relief.

2.  You're at a party.  Someone comes over and asks you your star sign. You:
    A.  Tell them to bugger off
    B.  Lay them one in the groin, then tell them to bugger off.
    C.  I don't go to parties.
    D.  I don't get invited to parties.

3.  You're at the head of a large queue in front of a cash-register in a
    large department store.  The register gives a >beep< and stops dead.
    A.  Wait patiently
    B.  Plant all the stuff you were going to buy in a nearby baby carriage
        and call the store detective (to while away the time)
    C.  Break out your ever-present C64 notebook and try to debug the thing
    D.  I don't know

4.  You're shopping for some personal hygiene equipment when the chemist
     up saying the prescription database on his 386 is corrupt. You:
    A.  What's a prescription database?
    B.  What's a 386?
    C.  What's personal hygenie?
    D.  What was the question again?

5.  A friend wants to borrow a record off you.  You
    A.  Lend it out, and tell them it's a boomerang.
    B.  Tell them to go buy it.
    C.  Consult the database to see that status of the record concerned
    D.  Sell it to them for a beer.

6.  You'd most like to meet:
    A.  The person who wrote "Gulag Acapeligo"
    B.  The person who wrote "War and Peace"
    C.  The person who wrote MSDOS
    D.  A person who can write

7.  You win a "Grocery-Grab" at a local supermarket.  You've got one minute
    to pack a cart with as much stuff as you can.  You start:
    A.  In the Liquor Section
    B.  In the Confectionary Lane
    C.  At the Pencil Bar
    D.  At the cash register

8.  You've been hit by a car and your life flashes before your eyes. The
    thing you remember most vividly is:
    A.  Your Mother's voice as a child
    B.  Your first Love
    C.  The Ascii table.
    D.  The tire pressure was maybe a little too high

9.  You get to compete on blind date.  You have one statement to change the
    choosers mind about you.  You say:
    A.  I've got a 12 inch tounge
    B.  I can go all night
    C.  I'VE GOT A 386SX with 64K Ram Cache
    D.  I've killed 5 people

10. You feel naked without your:
    A.  Electric Guitar
    B.  Wallet
    C.  VT100 reference guide
    D.  Axe

11. You see someone standing on a ledge, about to jump.  You can save
    them if you say the right thing.  You say:
    A.  I know things are bad, but do you want to talk about it?
    B.  I feel you just need someone to talk to
    C.  Want to come and play on my C64?
    D.  I bet you haven't got the guts.... . . .  Oh, I see you did...

12. You told your best friend the first time you:
    A.  Had Sex
    B.  Had Oral Sex
    C.  Got a Ram expansion
    D.  Killed a cat.

13. No-one understands you like:
    A.  Your Mother
    B.  Your Father
    C.  Your PC
    D.  Your Parole Officer

14. For your 18th birthday you wanted:
    A.  A Car
    B.  A Shaver
    C.  A C64 Cassette Drive
    D.  Some Piano Wire, and the Neighbours Cat

Mostly A's:
You're normal.  Boring Boring Boring.  You're the sort of person who'll
justy fritter their way thru life enjoying themselves and having a good
Shame on you!

Mostly B's:
You're mostly normal.  Nothing a little ECT can't clear away in any case.
You mostly come into the "Mostly A's" above.

Mostly C's:
Geek Alert!  Break out the pocket protector!  With a set of horn rims
and a pocket calculator, you're ready for Revenge Part #72.  You can be the
person that gets beat up all the time.

Mostly D's:
So you're a sociopath;  But that doesn't mean you're a bad person. Just keep
taking the Lithium and everything'll be fine

And a true geek has this type of signature......<grin>

ReplaceNoCase("Erica", "c", "k", "ALL")*

*A thanks to Dylan, for being the ever observant CF programmer!!

"Once in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience
the world in the way they have been told to." - Alan Keightley

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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