Actually, I was dissapointed with the the Boston conference ... it seemed
more of an allaire marketing campaign than a conference.  I could have done
a better job lecturing at the training sessions, and the exhibitors were
boring.  The only good things were 1) I wasn't at work and 2) that night
sponsored by Compaq!  Maybe having my boss trail me to make sure I wasn't
going to jump ship had something to do with it.

The conference that happened in DC was much better IMHO, even if I did had
to drive back to Pennsylvania to vote.  You could definately see a more
'corporate presence'.  I also got time in at CF_UNDERGROUND which was
absolutely 'faboo'.  Whereas I came back from the boston conference thinking
"I know it all, muhaha"... I came back from the DC conference thinking "I
know know so little..."

Anyone else have an opinion (on the conferences that is?)

Did anyone see the FICUS 2000 "a vote for ficus " from Michael Moore's 'the
awful truth?'.   I'd point you to the website, but it's down right now ( ).

Daniel Dewey                |"If pro is the opposite of con, then 
Systems Developer           | is congress the opposite of 
MCP (NT srvr/wkstn/eprise)  | progress?"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  -- Samuel Clemens |                 610-868-1421, x115
           The National Association of Colleges and Employers

     These opinions are mine, and may not be the same as my employer 

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