| When it's business, it's ALL business. And I can be VERY VERY
| serious.

Yeah!!  What Eri*K*a said!

I do the jobs of 2 seperate people at my company.  I am the senior CF person
AND the network administrator.  When it comes down to these jobs, I take
them very seriously and when they need my undivided attention, you don't see
me here .. Like you haven't seen me here since last Thursday because I had
too much to do at home and at the office.  I remember 2 weeks ago sitting up
at 4 AM trying to get some networking services back up becuase we had some
customers down.  So, don't tell me that just because I post to this list and
don't act all "professional" 100% of the time that I am not doing my job!

| Understand, there are several people on this
| list who work from home. Alone most days. No human contact. This list
| them a bit of interaction with their "peers". The missing water cooler
| conversation from day to day business life.

Again, yeah, what she said.  I work for a company, so I have human contact,
but I'm probably the only CF developer in my whole stupid city.  It's nice
to have a place to come chit-chat with my peers .. ya know?  If it weren't
for these lists, I would have 0 contact with other developers outside of the
CFUG meetings that I often can't find time to get to.

You want unprofessional?  Go over to isp-planet.com and sign up for a few of
the mailing lists and watch the flame wars rage on.

ugh .. whatever .. now I'm just in a mood.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Erika L. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: List Quality

| <cf_anger_point_being_reached day="about to be ruined">
| Since when did being professional mean one couldn't be zany and fun? Life
| too short to be stodgy and old and boring.
| CF-Community was created, if I remember correctly, and Michael D, (list
| master) can back me up on this hopefully, for off topics posts, jokes,
| banter, and what not.
| I can hold my own in a boardroom meeting filled with suits just as well as
| the next guy, and, believe or not, you don't even hear one single
| from me. When it's business, it's ALL business. And I can be VERY VERY
| serious.
| We have a lot of good talks here. We've hashed out several CF issues, life
| issues, offered support, etc. Understand, there are several people on this
| list who work from home. Alone most days. No human contact. This list
| them a bit of interaction with their "peers". The missing water cooler
| conversation from day to day business life.
| I've worked in corporate America. I've been a suit. There's just as much
| idle banter and silly chit chat going on in a real office as there is in
| this virtual one. Granted we take it to the line sometimes, but we try to
| refrain from dipping the toe over the line. And if it does happen, we are
| all here to real that person back in.
| There is a time and a place for everything in life. This is the place for
| to blow of steam, share stories, flirt playfully, support each other, help
| each other, etc.
| Why, I even throw CF questions in here, rather than in CF-Talk, because I
| respect everyone's thoughts, opinions, and style.
| Quality!? This is the best list I have ever come across. Nuff said.
| </cf_anger_point_being_reached>
| Erika
| (with a *K*)
| "One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea." -
| Walter Bagehot
| -----------------------------------------------------
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Tony Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 6:10 AM
| To: CF-Community
| Subject: Re: List Quality
| The name CF Community, indicates there will be some sense of
| professionalism,I love a good joke but there's no sense of anything
| professional in here.
| CF means Cold Fusion, not Corn Flakes, Professionals use Cold Fusion, kids
| eat corn flakes.. yet it seems like most of you are acting like kids...
| <Cf_bounceback item=grenade TimeToExplode=onContact
| type=stale_blueberry_muffin>
| or maybe this expresses it better <CFBounceBack
| onContact=Explode("grenade","stale_blueberry_muffin")>
| Tony Hicks
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: Adam Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 4:59 AM
| Subject: RE: List Quality
| > Errr...do you look at why this list exists?
| >
| > Obviously not...that wasn't very professional of you :)
| >
| > <cf_lob item="grenade" type="blueberrymuffin">
| >
| > -----Original Message-----
| > From: Tony Hicks [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| > Sent: 24 May 2001 07:15
| > To: CF-Community
| > Subject: List Quality
| >
| > With the exception of a few of you, is there a professional among you?
| When
| > was the last time a whole day went by with only CF Related threads
| > through.
| >
| > <cfscript>
| > Really_Annoyed = not_quite_so_professional_people + professional_list;
| > </cfscript>
| >
| > CF-Server, CF-Talk, and SQL seem to remain mostly professional, when did
| > this list get infected?
| >
| > <cf_Regards>
| > Tony Hicks
| >
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