Congratulations, Ben! Good luck with the car thing, though. (That can be
scary for a parent ...)

My five year old is graduating Kindergarten in a couple of weeks, and my 3
and a half year old is graduating nursery. My five month old is rolling over
also and is almost sitting up.  It seems like yesterday when I was taking
him home from the hospital.

> Thanks for the reminder, Ben!
> My four year old graduated with full cap and gown from preschool last
> My two year old is finally sleeping through the night in her own bed!!!
> My three month old rolled over both ways yesterday. :'-(
> Wasn't it just yesterday that my oldest didn't have the strength to hold
> head in one place for any given time?  That her little butt was so rounded
> it wouldn't support her back for sitting?  That she'd fall asleep suckling
> breast, with one last quick smile before REM took over?
> I can't even imagine her starting kindergarten in a couple months! I don't
> know how you are handling COLLEGE!
> Congratulations to your daughter and to her parents for the fine job
> obviously done.  Somehow, our kids survive the clueless things we do to
> when they're helpless!
> Erika
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Braver, Ben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 1:53 PM
> Subject: RE: Time flies
> : I have a mind, but lately I'm out of it a lot <g>
> :
> : -----Original Message-----
> : Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 12:18 PM
> : To: CF-Community
> : Subject: Re: Time flies
> :
> :
> : It was just yesterday that my oldest (5!) told me she could read my
> : mind sometimes. I remember when she didn't even have a mind and now
> in
> : others. Even my new born is 5 months now and 19 lbs. Time doesn't fly,
> : warps.
> :
> : > Those of you who have recently been blessed by new kids, be warned:
> : NOT
> : > BLINK !!
> : > In all seriousness for a change, time really does fly, and you will
> : > wonder how they got to be so big...
> : >
> : > And for the really scary part -- some ejit who coincidentally looks a
> lot
> : > like me promised her a car upon successfully graduating.  She will be
> : > starting college in July.  So we were out test driving cars this
> weekend.
> : > Eeeeeeeeeek!  (But I'm being hard-nosed, and refuse to actually work a
> : deal
> : > until she has the diploma in hand -- and told her the "optional
> : like
> : > upgraded sound, moonroof, etc., were entirely dependent on how happy I
> was
> : > with the final grades...)
> : >
> : > Ben Braver
> : > Information Technology
> : > Ultramar Inc.
> : > Golden Eagle Refinery
> : > 150 Solano Way
> : > Martinez, CA  94553-1487
> : > (925) 370-3673 voice
> : > (925) 370-3393 fax
> : > (510) 716-2557 pager
> : >
> : >
> : >
> :
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