you get in lifts, and what's a bumbershoot then?

-----Original Message-----
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 June 2001 20:02
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Whilst!

Either Mr. Swain is in Britain, from Britain or wishes he were...

Americans (except some in New Jersey, it seems) don't use the word "whilst."
Merriam Webster maintains that "whilst" is a "chiefly
British" word.

A fortnight ago, whilst fumbling with my bumbershoot, I was nearly flattened
by a lorry.  Luckily, I made it into myuilding just in
time to get on the lift and make it to my flat to catch the start of the
rugby game.

-- heard while waiting on a corner in New Jersey



----- Original Message -----
From: "Erika L. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:11 AM
Subject: Whilst!

> Look Howie! Someone else used whilst!
> I was regaling the BF with the tale of you poking fun of my usage of the
> word whilst, and he turned to me and said "you are a nutcase. <grin> Who
> uses that word in day to day conversation.....blah, blah, blah...most
> don't even the word exists."
> So of course I replied, "well, yes I'm a nutcase, however, the context of
> the sentence demanded that I use whilst." <grin>
> So I'm over on CF-Talk looking for something and I came across this post
> Will Swain:
> "What I want to know is this. How would I look at changing this so that
> whilst ***** turd would be picked up and returned as ****, saturday is
> not??" (the thread is about masking profanities)
> **** doing a little dance, throwing footballs at Howie... ******
> <grin>
> Erika
> (with a whilst)
> "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -
> Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 8:56 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: profanity checker(again)
> Hi all,
> I emailed the list regarding this a few weeks ago, but an interesting
> problem has now come up.
> I have some code that pulls a list of profanities from a db table, then
> checks them against a form feild submitted by a user. Any words that match
> are asterisked out. All well and good. But, when someone entered Saturday,
> the code returned Sa****ay!! Yers, turd is in the database! What I want to
> know is this. How would I look at changing this so that whilst turd would
> picked up and returned as ****, saturday is not??
> Any ideas? Code is below.
> Will
> <cfset bodytext = Form.thread_body>
> <cfset titletext = Form.thread_title>
>  <!--- Pull out all the bad words from the database --->
> <cfquery name="getprofanities" datasource="#APPLICATION.chatdsn#">
> SELECT ID, badword, rate1
> FROM tbl_profanity
> </cfquery>
> <!--- Loop over the profanity list and compare with words in the
> bodytext --->
> <cfloop query="getprofanities">
> <cfset bodytext = ReplaceNoCase(bodytext, "#getprofanities.badword#",
> "#getprofanities.rate1#", "ALL")>
> <cfset titletext = ReplaceNoCase(titletext, "#getprofanities.badword#",
> "#getprofanities.rate1#", "ALL")>
> </cfloop>
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