Yeah .. but a nice twist, for once from Hollywood, was to have a 'badguy'
who wasn't insane or 100% bad.  True he was willing to kill hostages, but he
didn't want to kill anyone.  He just felt it was a necisary evil to protect
the American way of life.  I guess other terrorists feel the same way, but
his target wasn't people to make a statement, it was the money so he could
strike back at other terrorists that kill other American citizens. It's
kinda screwed up, but makes sence in a weird sort of way.

I think the vicious mindedness that was displayed in the opening scene was
an example of his whole idea of to make terrorism so terrible, that no one
would find it worth it to do it.  I think he was trying to make the
consequences of the police interfeering so terrible that they wouldn't
bother and he wouldn't have to lose any hostages.  Still, that just proves
that terrorism works on some level .. kinda the oposite of what he was
intending .. it all really is thought provoking .. too bad the movie
couldn't conentrate more on the psycological aspects of the script than
interviewing members of the alt.h4x0r.scripts.kiddie.lusers newsgroup for
'technical' info.

mmmm .. hostage flambe with a nice ball-bearing sauce. Lot's of roughage ..
garanteed to clean you out ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Olive, CIO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 8:26 PM
Subject: RE: Swordfish

> noy much will beat the opening scene for sheer vicous mindedness.  takes a
> sick individual to come up with that to do to hostages.
> funny that, i noticed my seat vibrating as well...but only during the
> berry thing.  my theater must have had a different setting. :)
> chris olive, cio
> cresco technologies

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