Thanks, I was thinking something along those lines for the vbscript.  The only problem 
is I can't ask the users about VMware, lets just say they are not the smartest 
computer people........


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/12/01 01:27AM >>>
write a piece of vbscript to redirect them to the main index, but on a
different URL.  (eg. http://myIntranet/contents.htm) but also have a meta
refresh tag that will take them to a different URL that will log their IP.
The VBScript should take them to the alternative index before the meta
refresh kicks in, so only people without VBScript should get logged.

As for VMWare... woo.  Uh... send out an email asking everyone: do you have
VMWare? (not replying to this message will be assumed as a statement of
or maybe have a survey on the intranet homepage....

*sigh* half-baked solutions...
would anyone prefer I type about how to write bad CF code?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 3:19 AM
Subject: Test for VBscript and VMware

We have had to upgrade all our machines to the newist IE with vbscript and
vmware for a department that bought a new software that has to have it that
way(wrong people making the wrong decisions....).  Anyways, everyone's
homepage is the intranet site.  I know I can get the browser version.  But
what could I do to test if they have vbscript on and vmware.  Hopefully this
will save the pc guys from running around and checking (more importantly me
getting a free lunch..)

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