Yeah I made the sexual preference clear, although not necessary, 
because the reader of course would jump to some assumption. Frankly 
gender and sexuality preferences shouldn't matter, ever.

My ferrari doesn't help the country? huh, when I drive it women are 
more likely to want to procreate with me (humor) and other business 
people deem me as more successful and are more apt to spend money and 
support my workers...and since I use more fuel, I support the oil 
cartel, the tax system, Joey @ the gas station, etc.

Children are liabilities... not assets.. why isn't that clear... if 
children were assets you would pay taxes on them... How do children 
help the country and why should I be concerned with more children and 
people supporting me/future/etc.  afterall we aren't socialist and if I 
don't work I have no social net and can't expect you kind folks to 
support me if I am old and poor and barren of children...

And of course, since gay couples last time I checked, can't have 
children together (aside from adoption) should they not receive the 
benefits of married folks and get subsidies and time off for honeymoon 
and for psuedo childbirth and similar things?  And do we consider them 
more productive/better asset than single people... or is such 
synonymous in this thread :)?

and how about people with pets, are they tax deductible.??? If my dog 
has a litter why can't I get 6 weeks of leave....  afterall the dogs 
are supporting the economy least indirectly.. think of all 
those Vets, food companys, supply companies, etc. perhaps we shouldn't 
have any animals fixed and let them run the streets impoverished to 
support further growth... however, we don't, why?

Perhaps we should load everyone up with hormones like COWS to encourage 
reproduction, so we don't run out of Milk and meat... :) kidding of 
course, but why wouldn't that be acceptable or politically correct?

[finding the future in the past, passing the future in the present]
[connecting people, places and things]

-----Original Message-----
From: "Raymond Camden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 10:24:31 -0400
Subject: RE: Revenge has it's place

> > and when can I deduct my ferrari... and when can gay couples get
> the
> > same treatment and same sex benefits? not that I am gay, but that
> is
> Your ferrari doesn't help the country. Children do. As for
> homesexuals, they
> _are_, slowly, getting more benefits, more respect. Yes, it needs to
> improve, but things don't happen overnight.
> Not that I'm gay either.
> p.s. Any "out" CFers out there want to comment on this? I'd love to
> hear
> your view. I think it's funny that we straight people who have no
> problems
> with homosexuals always have to say "... not that I'm gay." ;)
> Raymond Camden
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