Passing crap load of form variables...This is when you know, we ColdFusion
developers are just plain crazy.....

A conversation taking place on CF-Fusebox....

The Question: Subject: RE: Passing crap load of form variables...

Any advice on best method to carry large number of form variables from one
initial search screen through the rest of the site? The project is in FB.
(Just the plain 'ol FB)

The Answers:
you can do this easily with CF5, just use the CRAPLOAD scope. If you're got
legacy code, though, beware, the earlier SHITLOAD scope has be defecated.

As John mentions, CF5 has number of enhancements, chief among them the
CFDUMP tag. There is an easter egg with the CFDUMP tag too - if you CFDUMP
the CRAPLOAD scope, interesting results occur.

I heard about that!! I was told that if you use the CFDUMP tag to output the
CRAPLOAD scope, you get an ancient writing of the missing final chapter to
the book of Revelations that states Microsoft will rule the underworld!

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