Yes, I'm still alive, but barely.....I'm under an avalanche of deadlines and
ColdFusion applications, well as teaching, and I can't seem to find
two minutes to talk to you guys. let alone get through my inbox....


Here is a very important Question!!!

How many of you are going to CF2001!!!!?????

And if you aren't, why not!! It should be a great time! As always, as well
as the perfect opportunity to network and meet all of your ColdFusion
Gurus!! With people like Shlomy Gantz, Charlie Arehart, Hal Helms, and Dave
Watts among others, you can't go wrong! The only person missing, is our
esteemed Mikey D!!!

If you haven't heard about it....go here:

I'll be going down Friday night, so if any of you are going, maybe we can
get together for a drink or something....

I hope this finds everone in good are all on my mind! Hugs to

**** Back to the grindstone *****


(with a *K*)

"Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die
young." - Sir Arthur Wing Pinero

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


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