Sounds good. Only thing is, wouldn't they make me give them some kind of DNA
sample to prove it? I don't want to have to run into that guy again just to
get a sample of his hair ...


> you must call the smithsonian IMMEDIATELY and tell them you've found the
> bridge between humans and primates.

> Hi. I just went for a drive with Michael and the kids. It was fun -- until
> made the mistake of not seeing a stop sign and running through it, and
> almost having an accident with another car.
> Okay, I was wrong to have run through the stop sign. And maybe I just
> have stopped and backed up and not steered around the other car (I was
> already in the middle of the intersection and so was he) and then driven
> away.
> I'm a pretty new driver -- While I have had a driver's license since 1989,
> haven't driven till May of this year. So occasionally, I make mistakes.
> I thought, "Thank G-d, we didn't have an accident." I stopped at the next
> stop sign and then at the next red light, and lo and behold, there is this
> man (the same one I almost had the accident with) following me.
> At that point, I was terrified. I kept thinking of that incident with the
> guy (in New York, I think) who took a dog out of a car and threw it into
> oncoming traffic. And I've got three kids in the car!
> He came up to the car and he starts screaming at me. He called me stupid
> he was so angry -- he said, "What were you thinking? What, you didn't see
> the stop sign?" He started cursing me out. He said, "And look, you have
> in the car."
> So I said, "Yes, you're right, it was a stupid thing to do. Definitely." I
> thought the guy was nuts, but he was right that what I did was wrong and
> probably stupid. I figured if I agreed with him, maybe he'd go away. It
> Michael who got angry and starting to yell at him. I said, "Michael, it's
> all right." The only thing that was running through my head was, "Oh G-d,
> hope he doesn't have a gun." And I didn't want it to escalate any further.
> most definitely didn't want Michael to get out of the car.
> Finally, after he and Michael finished yelling at eachother, he went back
> his car. The light turned green and I moved forward. I was shaking, but I
> kept driving. What else could I do?
> Judith
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