>>If you use it, you gotta buy it...
Well I'm not against paying for it, sure hope I don't come across like i'm 
looking for a free ride. and I'll get around to it spending the dough, maybe 
sooner than later. I was just thinking that in lieu of financing or dropping 
the wad for the the licenses, a monthly subscription would better match my 

(This is really an accounting and/or marketing issue - I mean really all I 
am asking for is mm (or whoever) to finance my server licensing over two 
years, include the upgrade subscription fee, and some early withdrawal 
insurance. and maybe throw in some financing and administration fees. I 
mean, it's just math.)

While I'm on a role - $2715 CAD (pro license w/ 2 yr subscription) over 24 
months at 2% interest per month + $70 admin fee = $145 + whatever we think 
the cancelation insurance should be if anything). I'm not sure if the 
licensing on the MM site is in CAD or USD, so that might adjust the monthly 
fee down to around $100 per month - damn affordable.

I'm pretty small potatoes, so what might seem like a little bit of cash is 
relatively more to me. And besides when I plan stuff in my head - I work 
with monthly numbers. So if MM (or anyone for that matter) said, "hey Eric - 
$100 a month for CF5 Pro", I'd probably go for it today. I'm not in it to 
make money off the hosting part, I am essentially just creating a playground 
to learn and experiment with technology.

For the reasons you note below, do I own my own server. I have 4.5.2 running 
and plan to upgrade soon. But I really should have two machines going.


From: "Adam Phillip Churvis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Renting CF5
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 18:08:32 -0400

 > I got in my damn head that I want to "rent" cf5 as subscription software
 > my server. Now I just need to convince macromedia to license it like
 > I don't want to buy it, I just want it. I want to be able to scale and
 > back as I need to.

I just spent almost $6,000 on licenses and 2-year subscriptions to multiple
copies of ColdFusion Studio about thirty minutes ago.  We're also about to
purchase a bunch of copies of ColdFusion 5 Enterprise, Freehand, Flash,
Fireworks, and UltraDev.

If you use it, you gotta buy it, and you gotta keep paying for upgrades.  No
way around it.  Engineering commercial software is massively expensive, so
we all need to ante-up so Macromedia can give us ColdFusion Neo.

Macromedia is an efficiently-run corporation with excellent management and
engineering, which you can plainly see from both the quality of their
graphics products and their market penetration, and you will see that same
prowess displayed in advancing ColdFusion products over the coming years as
they start to truly integrate former Allaire products into the fold.

PS-- If you want problem-free ColdFusion apps then get your sites off of
those low-rent shared servers, co-lo your own server box (or better yet,
multiple boxes) at Globix or CFHosting, buy your licenses to Windows,
ColdFusion, SQL Server, etc., run only code that you yourself have written
(one amateur's endlessly-looping stored procedure can bring down your entire
server), and you'll have complete control and little or no downtime.  It may
seem like a huge amount of money to invest in yourself at first, but there
is one big advantage: you'll actually get work done and not have to
constantly field tech support calls from your clients complaining about
their site going down, slowdowns, "Cannot access datasource" errors, etc.

Hugs and Kisses, my little love muffins!


Adam Phillip Churvis
Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
Productivity Enhancement, Inc.

The world's most advanced ColdFusion training:

-- Advanced Bootcamp for Database, Javascript, and ColdFusion 5
-- Advanced Development with SQL Server, Oracle, and ColdFusion 5
-- Advanced Scalability for ColdFusion 5 Applications
-- Advanced Graphic Design for Web Developers

Get more info at http://www.ColdFusionTraining.com!

Phone:   770-446-8866
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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