Hey guys, you owe it to yourselves to look into these!

I took the Advanced Bootcamp in June and it was the first course I've taken
in two years that actually challenged me and gave me more than a pittance
of good material.  My company requires 40 hours of training per employee
per year, at least in my department, so trust me -- I've been to a LOT of
sucky training classes.

If you want some schmoe standing at the front of the room, reading out of
the Forta book you already own, go to one of the MCSE turnstile shops.  If
you'd rather LEARN the stuff, and better still, know WHY it's a best
practice, call Adam.

Insert standard disclaimer here.  I'm not compensated for this testimonial
in any way.
|Eric A. Laney                     |All machines are amplifiers.          |
|Systems Engineer                  |                                      |
|LAN Optimization Team             |                                      |
|Voice: 813.978.4404               |                                      |
|Pager: 888.985.8519               |                                      |

                    "Adam Phillip                                                      
                    Churvis"                 To:     CF-Community 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                               
                    <president@proden        cc:                                       
                    hance.com>               Subject:     New Advanced ColdFusion 
Courses Online                                 
                    07/31/2001 12:10                                                   
                    Please respond to                                                  

Well, we finally got the new ColdFusion courses online.  All courses are
five days, twelve hours per day.  Lots of new stuff, including an
killer scalability course and an advanced web graphics course geared toward
ColdFusion developers.

You are compelled to look at the new stuff!


Adam Phillip Churvis
Advanced Certified ColdFusion Developer
Productivity Enhancement, Inc.

The world's most advanced ColdFusion training:

-- Advanced Bootcamp for Database, Javascript, and ColdFusion 5
-- Advanced Development with SQL Server, Oracle, and ColdFusion 5
-- Advanced Scalability for ColdFusion 5 Applications
-- Advanced Graphic Design for Web Developers

Get more info at http://www.ColdFusionTraining.com!

Phone:   770-446-8866
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at 

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