As I recall, I said nothing about government.  But since you brought it up,
the difference is that under law, the government is directly accountable to
the people it governs through the election process and the redress of
grievances guaranteed under the Constitution.  Business, and corporations
especially, are accountable to the shareholders.  In fact, under law, a CEO
is required to maximize the shareholders' return on their investment.  To
do otherwise merits a pink slip or a lawsuit.

Oh yes... the sun on my planet is many different colors, but my favorite is
that wonderful pink - orange color during sunrises and sunsets.  We now
return you to our regularly scheduled rant.
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                    <jmcwork@minds        To:     CF-Community 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                               
          >            cc:                                          
                                          Subject:     Re: One Libertarian  point of 
view?(Was Re:Legalist It)                
                    06:32 PM                                                           
                    Please respond                                                     

At 05:53 PM 8/3/01 Eric wrote:

>In my opinion, events like Love Canal prove that business cannot be
>to make ethical decisions that support the common good.

...and the government can?   What color is the sun on your planet?
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