WTF? I have to be from another country to make a joke about the joke of
a president we have?

What, I can't be an American and be part of the loyal opposition? Can't
be a patriot if I disagree?

Well, here's the scoop then:
I was born in Ft.Carson Army Hospital, Ft. Carson CO, which in case
you're wondering would automatically make me an American, no matter
where my parents were from, but as it happens both parents are third
generation American.

I've done my time living in various parts of the country and the world
(including on the East German border during the height of the Cold War
-- you could see the "red menace" from our building). Following Dad
around as he was an Army officer (11th ACR -- two tours in Vietnam, two
Bronze stars)

So no, i'm not foreign born, I am now and will forever be an American, I
am proud of my country's history (warts and all), and wouldn't trade
places with any other nationality. I was raised in a conservative
household by conservative Catholic parents. I have a brother who has
served in Iraq (during the initial phases of the war - a Tanker, just
like Dad) and his wife of just over one year is a JAG officer and
currently stationed in Iraq.

Uhoh ... rant

I could be what you might call a poster child for the right wing. I was
certainly raised to be. But I guess my parents taught me too early,
before conservatives got "compassionate." So I didn't turn out
conservative. I thought I'd give Bush Jr. a chance, seemed only fair. I
did and he tossed that chance out the window. He lied and I for one
refuse to be lied to anymore. I refuse to sit down and take it. I refuse
to let the bastard that is currently in office take the lives of my
children and your children and throw them away on some hair-brained
crusade (and let's not kid ourselves, that _is_ what this is). I will not.

I refuse.

And now let me be absolutely clear here...

I weep when I think of the damage that this administration has done to
our reputation in the world.
I weep that our young men and women are dying because the browneye in
the oval office is too uptight to get a BJ from an intern and maybe blow
off some steam once in a while.

I'm angry and I vote.

Monique Boea wrote:

> don't tell me you're not from the US either



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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