These two don't. They are so hyper its a bit daunting. If they want
something they'll climb mountains to get it.  Besides Toasty has
decided to go and try to beat up the cat.

This is one ferret with an attitude. And the other one is worse.


>I'm calling your bluff. You would do no such thing, because a) it
>takes effort, 2) you would have to move in order to do that and iv)
>ferrets take after their owner.
>You have got to be the laziest Secretary of Labor this list has ever had.
>"Larry C. Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Sir, you have been served. It is your duty to take on this office
>>and all the doodies that come along with it. You will be Secretary
>>of Labor or join the despicable criminal Todd as a sombrero-wearing
>>rebel living in the hills pursued by our armies.
>Careful any further threat and I'll sic the terrible two, aka the
>psycho ferrets on you. And you'll end up suffering the foot nips and
>sundry other inflictions of these two nutzoid weasels on your feet.
>You have been warned.
>Talking about that one of the ferrets have decided to sleep on my
>chest as I'm writing this. Cute little thing. Now I have figure out
>have to move without disturbing her.
>Larry C. Lyons
>Life is Complex. It has both real and imaginary parts.
>Chaos, Panic and Disorder. My work here is done.
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