Our webtrends stats for May (a little lower than normal)

Top Browsers  

  Browser Hits % of Total Hits Visits  
1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 13,335,617 94.35% 427,526
2 Others 173,881 1.23% 26,686
3 Netscape Compatible 158,934 1.12% 22,281
4 Netscape Navigator 461,399 3.26% 18,706
5 WebTV 3,265 0.02% 424
6 Lynx 21 0.00% 9
7 U.S. Robotics/3Com IE 2 0.00% 2
8 OmniWeb 6 0.00% 1
Total For Browsers Above  14,133,125  100.00%  495,635  
Netscape Browsers  

  Browser Hits % of Total Hits Visits  
1 Netscape 5.0 140,987 30.55% 7,543
2 Netscape 7.1 136,027 29.48% 5,111
3 Netscape 7.02 26,644 5.77% 911
4 Netscape 7.0 20,916 4.53% 666
5 Netscape 4.7 24,012 5.20% 535
6 Netscape 4.79 15,081 3.26% 514
7 Netscape 7.01 8,832 1.91% 394
8 Netscape 4.78 4,777 1.03% 372
9 Netscape 4.5 6,061 1.31% 356
10 Netscape 6.2.1 7,263 1.57% 274
11 Netscape 4.8 6,767 1.46% 222
12 Netscape 4.0 1,152 0.24% 204
13 Netscape 4.72 18,703 4.05% 201
14 Netscape 6.1 2,042 0.44% 126
15 Netscape 6.2.2 2,690 0.58% 110
16 Netscape 4.76 2,053 0.44% 110
17 Netscape 4.73 3,078 0.66% 104
18 Netscape 4.75 2,888 0.62% 99
19 Netscape 4.77C 1,903 0.41% 91
20 Netscape 4.61 2,406 0.52% 90
Total For Browsers Above  434,282  94.12%  18,033  
Microsoft Explorer Browsers  

  Browser Hits % of Total Hits Visits  
1 Explorer 6.0 11,344,980 85.07% 356,950
2 Explorer 5.5 1,319,043 9.89% 44,896
3 Explorer 5.0 224,839 1.68% 12,576
4 Explorer 5.01 276,081 2.07% 7,387
5 Explorer 4.01 24,728 0.18% 1,254
6 Explorer  5,125 0.03% 1,242
7 Explorer 5.22 47,865 0.35% 785
8 Explorer 5.23 30,044 0.22% 755
9 Explorer 5.17 21,346 0.16% 488
10 Explorer 5.16 11,076 0.08% 289
11 Explorer 6.0b 4,507 0.03% 141
12 Explorer 5.21 5,829 0.04% 129
13 Explorer 4.0 626 0.00% 121
14 Explorer 5.13 4,449 0.03% 94
15 Explorer 5.14 3,851 0.02% 90
16 Explorer 5.12 4,260 0.03% 67
17 Explorer 5.15 2,263 0.01% 57
18 Explorer 3.0B 333 0.00% 35
19 Explorer 3.02 195 0.00% 23
20 Explorer 4.5 886 0.00% 23
Total For Browsers Above  13,332,326  99.97%  427,402  

Visiting Spiders  

  Spider Hits % of Total Hits Visits  
1 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp) 66,390 46.09% 35,195
2 Googlebot 52,689 36.58% 12,648
3 Baiduspider ( http: 1,528 1.06% 745
4 NIF 2,289 1.58% 457
5 LinkWalker 2,911 2.02% 166
6 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; MSIECrawler) 734 0.50% 138
7 Steeler 313 0.21% 134
8 Openfind data gatherer, Openbot 133 0.09% 132
9 Lycos-Proxy 806 0.55% 101
10 http: 4,876 3.38% 86
11 QuepasaCreep ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) 222 0.15% 77
12 Yahoo-NewsCrawler 3,753 2.60% 69
13 Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; MSIECrawler) 819 0.56% 55
14 k2spider 249 0.17% 49
15 Szukacz 171 0.11% 47
16 TurnitinBot 2,523 1.75% 37
17 Mozilla/5.0 (Slurp/si; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://www.inktomi.com/slurp.html) 39 0.02% 28
18 Python RobotFileParser 88 0.06% 26
19 Mozilla/3.0 (INGRID/3.0 MT; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://aanmelden.ilse.nl/?aanmeld_mo 38 0.02% 26
20 mozDex 181 0.12% 26
Total For Spiders Above  140,752  97.72%  50,242  

Top Platforms  

  Platform Hits % of Total Hits Visits  
1 Windows XP 6,219,779 43.56% 214,260
2 Others 482,939 3.38% 98,406
3 Windows 2000 4,086,272 28.62% 95,105
4 Windows 98 2,248,886 15.75% 89,786
5 Windows ME 478,416 3.35% 20,951
6 Windows NT 340,214 2.38% 10,069
7 Macintosh PowerPC 265,405 1.85% 9,386
8 Windows 95 138,085 0.96% 6,342
9 Linux 10,931 0.07% 1,213
10 Windows Win32s 4,508 0.03% 765
11 SunOS 698 0.00% 34
12 Macintosh 68K 969 0.00% 11
13 Windows 3.x 14 0.00% 7
14 OS/2 35 0.00% 1
Total For Platforms Above  14,277,151  100.00%  546,336  

Jerry Johnson
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