Oh, I'm sorry, I was implying that you _love_ America. Your love for
America is so great that you seem to have been endowed with the ability
to point out people who very obviously hate it and Americans. Is that a
something that occurs naturally when you drink the Kool-Aid or do you
get a special detector device for that from the Central Committee?


Neither was I quoting you, if I had quoted you I would have used
quotation marks, like so:

"Know Your Enemy" - the subject of your e-mail thread
do I infer correctly that Michael Moore is "[My] Enemy"?
Did I misinterpret your implication?

"How clear does he have to be for you to know who he's chearing for?"

Having read the article a second time (for clarity) I still can't find
the part where he's cheering for the other side. The "Enemy."
He _is_ very clearly saying that the Iraqi insurgency is growing and
will continue to grow because we aren't doing such a great job on the PR
side of things. He is saying that to many Iraqis they've become "the
REVOLUTION" and we (the Americans) have created an atmosphere wherein
"terrorists" can be looked at by the people of Iraq as freedom fighters.
But I don't see him rooting for the "Enemy"

"If you think he loves America after reading those comments then you'll
be forever on his side."

That's just it, I do think he loves America. As I;m sure that G-dub and
his posse do too. It's extremely unfortunate that rhetorical divisive
words like "Enemy" have to be thrown about when informed debate should
be the rule of the day.

Sam Morris wrote:

> I never said any of that? Where did you get that from?
> -sm



"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
-- Carrie Fisher
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