"Two roads leading to the same destination" is almost never the same thing.

The difference is in intention and conscience.  We didn't enter Iraq to
"free the people" (a rather pure, noble motive) we entered to "get that guy"
(a rather petty, childish motive).  We entered to revenge ourselves for 9-11
(because we were told that these two things were connected).  Because our
motives weren't pure nothing we could do over there will be pure.
Everything we do will be tainted.

The global outcry against the war, the torturing of POWs, the continued
level of Iraqi resistance: they are all indicative of this.

It's a common truth that when somebody is faced with an evil they will
attempt to point out the good (since rarely is anything simple enough to be
completely evil and will almost invariably benefit somebody).  That's human
nature; a defense mechanism to help us sleep at night.

Bush wanted to go to war.  The moral argument was just another bullet point
designed to convince the squeamish but was never a true motive (had
humanitarian goals been truly at the heart of this the war would have been
fought much differently).   The idea that the negative act of sending
several nations into war is somehow cleansed because of an unintended
benefit (especially one that could have been obtained through other, more
peaceful, means) is ludicrous.

It's a silver lining (and boy howdy do we love silver linings) but it
definitely does not excuse the original act.  If anything it simply throws
the hypocrisy and arrogance of the war into sharp relief: look at the
freedom we've given those people and pity us for the corrupted and lost
people we've become to obtain it.  

Jim Davis

From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:59 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: George W. Bush, a great president

so it wasn't the intended launching point, and that's fine.  but if we
the resilient nation we are, able to adapt and overcome, we would have
probably gone
the way of an iraq, a north korea an iran...ruled by one philosophy and
unable to change
since it wasn't the original intention..

I cannot see the difference apart from the physical force involved
between ousting saddam and freeing the iraqi people.

its two roads to the same destination.

were just learning along the way, unfortunately.
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