its a Perception :-)  again everyone has opinions esp. now.  But did you see
Bush the other day on CNN?  he was walking up a flight of stairs and I swear
there was no-one at home - he was blank.  Powell was stern and
concentrating.  I think personally think Bush has done a good job in a lot
of respects - well he hasnt made an arse of things. But the relationship he
has with Powell is the one that Reagan has with old Nancy - you know walking
off AF2 and the press saying "hows the country doing Mr President" and
Reagan turning round and looking blankly while Nacy whispers in his ear -
"Tell them its going fine"; and then repeat it as if he was on the

Brilliant.  I am just amazed old daddy didnt jump in and start a campaign
for him - you know "move along son, I've done this before and it only took 4
days"  :-)

You have too look at the US in this way (BTW I am a PhD graduate of US
Government :-) The Southern (and others) states hold a great share of the
vote in the Primaries ect.. FACT. Some of these states are not, shall we say
as open to other races  - dont get me wrong the US is a great system but the
diversity not only of its peoples but its landscape can lead to hatred on a
great scale.  If he were to run for President I dont think he would have got
voted in for this reason - I am not being racist I am speaking fact.  Its
the same with Great Britain I am afraid I dont think we will ever have a
black Prime Minister - or a women!

I see where your coming from but you cannot compare the US and UK systems  -
one is Federal and one is not.  We dont have a seperation of powers and we
dont have split ticket voting etc.... The Cabinet is made up of party
members who are allegiant to the party not the PM.  Our system is archaic
totally - it has hardly changed since Oliver Cromwell's days!!!!!!  The US
system is carefully balanced deliberately to make sure the President has a
say in all 3 sections of government not just in his Administrative.  Remeber
that the US is a Triangular system and at the moment has shifted to the
Military side of the Administrative - more on the legislative if you like;
thats my reasons behind saying Powell is in control.   The President has
taken his figure head role but there are powers at be at the moment planning
stuff that old GW can only wince at and sign.

I am not saying its race for CP running  but you have to ask yourself do you
really see a Black, Spanish, Asian descendant running for President?  Take
this par example - what if an Afghan descendant was to run for president
now - who was born in the states, was 35 years or older was to run? would it
happen? I think you know the answer to that.

Neil.  just my $0.02c

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