i use id, and i use camel caps.  makes it really easy, and since
everything has scoped names, etc...its all good :)

but then again, im a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie, and what i say, doesnt
matter, right tango!


On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 12:43:17 -0400, Tangorre, Michael
> > The standard that I use is to have table names pluralized
> > except in the case of join tables (users, locations,
> > userslocations) and then will generate the ID based on the
> > table name (users_id, locations_id, userslocations_id).
> >
> > Yes it can lead to long field names, however it makes for
> > easier to follow standards.
> I always make table names singular and the PK (if it is not a composite key)
> is the table name TABLE_NAME_ID in all CAPS. In fact, every column is CAPS!
> I don't care how long table names and column names are as long as I don't
> have to stop and try and figure out an abbreviation. Space doesn't cost $500
> a MB anymore, so.....
> Also, IMO, camelCase is tough to read after awhile... So I juts stick to
> To each his own. The thing is, if you work alone be consistant. If you work
> in a team, hopefully there is a standards document to follow.
> Mike
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