Really? Look at the ethnic contributions of the Roman Empire from AD
250 through 400 AD. It was as diverse as the US and its citizens (any
freeman within the empire  during that time was considered a citizen)
had considerably more rights and priviledges. In other words ther eis
nothing really new or necessarily unique about the US, except for its
codification of the rights and priviledges of its citizens. Otherwise
its been done before.


On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:38:07 -0400, Tyler Silcox
> I...just...can't...stop...
> Won,
> I think your concerns are legitimate, but about 20 years too late.  I guess
> I'm an optimist, but we have made too many steps forward in the civil rights
> movement to, I think, ever have a chance to return to those ideas of
> gateway-regulations.  We still have some work to do. But who knows, there
> has never been a society quite like ours in the history of the world. So
> we'll just have to wait it out and make sure we do everything in our own
> individualistic power to do what's best for the fellow man (or woman)->
> Tyler
>    _____
> From: Won Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 4:05 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Have you seen this?
> Bill,
> I understand your points.  And quite frankly there is a part of me that
> agrees with you.  While there are numerous terror threats in the world,
> Middle Eastern Terrorism impacts us the most.  If the US instituted a 'all
> arabs are a suspect policy', I do think the US would be safer from Middle
> Eastern Terrorism.  But I think we would be worse of on the whole.  Next
> thing you know, the administration believes that homo-sexuals are waging a
> war of terrorism against American Family values.  After that, people of
> Indian ancestry are taking American jobs.  Police are ordered to question
> any Indian person on sight and 'ask' them why they are destroying American
> companies.  Where does it stop?  If it is up to me, it stops before it ever
> starts.
> My point is not that I think ppl are being stupid for thinking that a bunch
> of middle eastern men look suspicious.  My point is do let fear grab hold;
> and let's make rational decisions that are in the best interest of ALL
> Americans.  I don't think it would be a good policy to institute programs
> that help everyone else at the expense of one group.
> I do see the practical arguments that many ppl make; but there is no way
> (in my eyes) to legitimize racism.
> Won
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