used to know someone who drove a truck freelance once -- as best I can
tell it's kinda like driving a cab, very nice cash flow with serious
limits on actual income


----- Original Message -----
From: Larry C. Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 22:32:48 -0400
Subject: Re: Truck Drivers?
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Only if you like lobotomies with a rusty can opener.


On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 20:30:58 -0400, Angel Stewart
> What? Of course not! Don't be ridiculous! ....although....
> hey...if you were a truck driver....
> you wouldn't have time to post ..
> on these lists...
> *rubs chin thoughtfully*...
> You know..I hear the benefits are really tops..not to mention the girls
> you'd get.
> Girls really dig trucks!
> YEAH!!
> -Gel
> ^_^
> -----Original Message-----
> From: brobborb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hey guys, after the trip to Cali, and seeing all those trucks, I want to
> be a truck driver!  What do u guys think?  Is the money good?  I love
> the open road, and I dont have kids or anything.
> Will tell more about the trip later! :)
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