You've got to admit not everybody understands that is the risk when they sign up for National Guard training. (Which is where most of the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are drawn from.) They do learn pretty quick once the "machine" gets ahold of them during and after Basic though.

I have no problem with our guys and gals being put in harms way. That is part of the job. The same is true for policemen and firemen and crab fishermen and sponge divers and cab drivers.

But we as a nation owe it to them to do everything we can to keep that risk to a minimum. They should not be thought of as expendable. Heck, if for no other reason it costs too darn much to train a new one.

We also owe it to them to speak up when we think they are being used badly, or aren't getting the help and support they need and deserve. They (by law) cannot speak for themselves, so we have to do our part and speak for them.

Did we need to go to war at all?
Should we have had a better plan for the post-war occupation?
Should we have had more troops on the ground from day 1?
Should the humvees have had kevlar armor from the first day?
Should we have guarded the siezed weapons depots, rather than hire local guards to watch them? (From which much ordinance continues to disappear to this day.)
Should we have had better equipment for the troops? More support? Better meals? Less graft?
Should we have our soldiers doing policing at all?

This last is a very significant question. As I heard one Army general say "The army is good at two things, killing people and breaking things" Which at the moment they are not doing very much of. We should have had electricians and engineers and dam builders and policemen and a host of support to FIX Iraq after we "won" the war. I think it is this lack, more than anything else, that is costing our soldiers their lives.

Jerry Johnson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/04 05:06PM >>>

That is the risk that soldiers take. I knew when I signed up for the
Canadian Armed Forces I had that risk. Tim could probably tell you the
same when he gets back.

Any soldier that doesn't think there is that risk is deluding him or herself.


On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 15:05:07 -0400, Jerry Johnson
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/28/04 02:35PM >>>
> >And, everyone is complaining about our troops being killed/injured...
> >That is what they signed up for!!!!
> That is absolutely the most repugnant statement I've read on this list.
> Got to take this personal for a minute.
> F*ck You!
> Jerry Johnson
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