I have 6 sisters, lots of aunts and cousins and friends...many of who have
had children and none of them have ever talked about going through it, not
openly at least.

-----Original Message-----
From: G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 9:36 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Post partum depression

Ok, i've seen several news stories in the last few months about new mothers
who've killed their children in a fit of depression labelled as "post

Apparently this depression grips the new mother so intensely as to drive
them to kill the ones they love. It's my understanding that the depression
is said to derive from the sudden departure of the child from the mother; in
other words, the act of giving birth.

My mom had 9 kids. Everyone knows someone who had 4 kids, 5 kids, maybe 10
or 12 kids.....so I'd like to ask some questions because i'm stumped.

Do you guys/gals think this is a legitimate disease?
Is this a new phenomenom, or something that is old, but newly diagnosed?
Have any of the mothers on this list ever experienced anything remotely
close to these types of feelings?

This whole thing just has me completely flabbergasted....and I'm curious
what other people think/know/feel about this.

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