
Right on, again!

Have a fresh, warm muffin with my compliments.
And however busy, have a wonderful week!!



-----Original Message-----
From: Erika L. Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 9:09 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Northern Joke (RE: Joke - REDNECK LOVE POEM)

>>--| -----Original Message-----
>>--| From: valhalla [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>--| We in the south are pretty steamed about you northerns poking
>>--| fun at us. Why don't you look in the mirror at yourself and your short

Valhalla (because I don't know your full name),

Are you serious? Or are you just joshing us .... because, as evidenced a
long time ago on this list (see archives), no ill will is meant by anyone
passing around jokes that get passed quicker on the internet than the
squashed turnips at Thanksgiving. (at least when I grew up!) <grin>

Besides, I have to say as a Joisey-ite, born and bred (even though I lived
on a farm in Pensylvania for a fair amount of years), we Northerners are the
first to poke fun at ourselves, any and every chance we get. Especially New

And, being a Joisey-ite, and living in northern Jersey, about 20 minutes
from the Newark Airport, I have to live with the "You know you live in the
armpit of the USA?!" LOLOLOL ... "Hey, your state smells worse than an
outhouse in the summer!" LOLOLOLOL .... on and on and on....

And the way we drive and talk up here?! Sheez! And the hurry we are always
in!? We should take a lesson or two from some of the folks in this country
who have learned how to live life in the slow lane.....

Anyways, my point is, everyone, everywhere has shortcomings, doesn't matter
where they are from....and nobody was deliberately calling anybody on this
list any names, we were just trying to lighten the mood around here and get
some people to laugh.

And I leave you all with this as I head off to bed, tired from answering a
zillion emails.........

The Pope was on his way to a very important meeting in New York and was
running late.

He told the limo driver to go a little faster.

The driver replied, "I'm going the speed limit."

The Pope kept repeatedly asking the driver to speed up, to no avail.
Finally, the Pope told the driver, "Pull over and let me drive." Of course
the guy had to agree as this was the Pope and you can't say no to the Pope.

So the Pope is driving now and going about 90 mph, swerving in and out of
traffic, running red lights when he is pulled over by the police.

The cop takes one look in the car and says, "Excuse me a minute," and makes
a call to his captain. He says, "Captain, I got a problem, I pulled this guy
over and I don't know if I should give him a ticket."

The captain asks, "Does he deserve a ticket?"

The cop says," Yeah he's a horrible driver!"

The captain, "Is he important?"

The cop, "Yeah, I'D say."

The captain, "More important than the mayor?"

The Cop, "Yeah, he is."

Captain, "More important than the governor?"

The cop, "Yep"

Captain, "How about the president? He couldn't be more important than him."

Cop, "I think he is."

Captain, "Just who is this guy?"

Cop, "I'm not sure but he's got to be really important. The Pope is his

Good night all,
(the Joisey-ite with a *K*)

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