My mother smoked for 25 years, tried everything to quit, finally just said,
"This is killing me, I smell bad, food tastes crappy, etc." and quit cold
turkey. That was 10 years ago. My dad wouldn't quit, sort of a denial thing.
You know, he would say, "our family all live long, into their 90s." That
stuff. I would try subtly to get him to quit. "you know dad, I want you
around while Liam grows up." Stuff like that. Then he went to see the doctor
recently because he was feeling a bit low. They did some tests and the
doctor just said, "You need to quit smoking."

He came home and quit cold turkey. Maybe it was because two of his old
friends had died from lung cancer. They smoked all of their lives. He smoked
2 packs a day! To me, a non-smoker, (never inhaled it ;)), that seems like a
lot of cancer sticks. He is 60 and started at 15. Anyone, he impressed me
big time. No one he works with smokes, so I bet that helps a bunch. If you
are around smokers, tell them to bugger off and do it somewhere else.

It has really changed his demeanor too. He is more energetic, his outlooks
seems different.

They both say they still have the urge to smoke, especially after a meal or
first thing in the morning. But I think a longer life, or at least one with
one less potential health risk, out weighed the need to smoke.

You can do it. I think he just wanted to be around longer and enjoy the


Gary McNeel, Jr.
Executive Director - DAC-Net
Rice University
Visit us at:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 12:43 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: keep on quitting smoking
> this thoroughly sucks.
> i have been smoking since i was 11.
> since i returned from the honey moon i am determined to quite.
> but it does not seem to be taking.
> have quite about 4 times in the last week!
> can make it 2 + days.
> been trying the gum, nicoderm & combinations of both.
> then just when i think i am getting some where, a manager will
> say something
> so grrrrrr.........
> that i find the closest cig & regretfully smoke it.
> now it finally tastes & smells bad again.
> i am determined to kick, but am starting to get frustrated at quitting
> quitting?
> any one here do it?
> with or with out nicotine aids?
> -paul
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