No typo see

nets out at $39.99 and a 1 year warranty at that.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Charlie Griefer
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 2:32 PM
  Subject: Re: Early B-Day present

  120 GB HD $109.95 -before- $80 rebates?

  if that wasn't a!

  Marlon Moyer wrote:

  >Well, got home last night and the in-laws decided to give me my B-day
  >present early since I'll be in England during my B-day.
  >It was an iPod!  This things kicks butt!  Slick interface with iTunes and
  >the sound is awesome.  I've already got my Outlook contacts sync'd up and
  >I'm moving files over.  I picked up a 120Gb drive from Circuit City last
  >night (109.95 before $80 rebates) so, I'm going to start ripping all of my
  >CD's to AAC to that hard drive and get ready for my trip.
  >I was dumbfounded when they handed it to me.  I'm not even sure I said thank
  >you yet! :-)
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