I share mine when I have them... Some more than others... my personal
site ( http://www.turnkey.to/ike ) I share less because, well... a lot
of it's not politically correct. :) (not a great design either, I
know, but then the whole point of that site is the content and rather
antithetical to the idea of it being eye-candy) ... There is of course
the framework site at http://www.fusiontap.com ... and probably a lot
of my work isn't 100% standards compliant -- I never actually test it,
I just change it when I know that something isn't and I have the time
and it seems important. Asside from that I don't really consider the
work I do for other people brag-worthy in most cases. Some of it's
brochureware (rarely), most of it's behind firewall or at least
password protected, and in the cases when I've worked for ASP
companies (like I'm doing now) the application is usually some
bandaided together thing that was never well thought out in the first
place and is only in its current state and servicing clients because
of sales and/or demand and for a good (read not ours) tool to do
whatever it does. I do my best to change these things from bandaided
balls of bailing wire and rusty nails into collections of reliable,
reuseable, extensible code bits (custom tags, functions, etc), but
it's an arduous and usually endless task, especially when the
corporate impetus places more emphasis on adding new features than it
does on making the existing feature set reliable (ensuring referential
integrity in databases, eliminating cut-and-pasted code, etc).

Do I sound bitter yet? :)

I like to think of myself as a realist. :P

oh... and my corporate domain ( http://www.turnkey.to )... which has
fallen into disarray as a result of my spending more and more time
working on my framework and less time on my CMS or efforts to sell it.
I think this used to be in my sig, although I've replaced that even
with links to my articles about the framework ... all framework all
the time, that's my motto or at least my mantra. :)

s. isaac dealey     954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework

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