Jochem's got the right idea about segmenting away the kids.

Personally I go even further and run all of their stuff in Virtual PCs - it
may not work for older kids that want to play the latest games, but for
younger kids it's a wonder and you can completely control the access they
have (not giving the VPC a network card for example).

A great thing about it is that you can make a copy of the VPC disk right
after install - when the kids finally (and they will!) corrupt something
beyond repair just toss the corrupted image and copy the fresh one in.  I've
actually taken to doing general browsing in VPC just in case I accidentally
catch something I don't want.

Jim Davis


From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 12:06 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Virus/Spy Ware mess

G wrote:
> Once i get him cleared up, the firewall and av stuff will be taken
> care of. In the mean time, there must be a solution besides a
> reinstall.

There is, but save yourself the time and trouble and just do the reinstall.
And do it right, with different partitions, different user accounts for the
kids (not administrator), make a ghost image and install SP2 etc.


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