The imfamous Hello Kitty Massager. J-List has this and other adult toys.


On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 12:02:25 -0400, Angel Stewart
> Not just Hentai.
> I think there was one for some video game characters etc.
> Japan is just crazy with these things. Someone sent me a link to a
> Japanese site and it was just...totally boggling and somewhat scary the
> types and variety of 'adult' tech stuff they have.
> For some odd reason, there are numerous 'Hello Kitty' adult toys for
> women. I thought Hello Kitty was some sort of cartoon for children.
> So it's not just limited to Hentai characters.
> I'm sure you've heard by now the 'attachement' for a trance PS2 game
> that most women see and recognise
> as a vibrator that is controlled by playing the game.
> -Gel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry C. Lyons
> Don't you mean Hentai, not Anime.
> larry
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