----- Original Message -----
Valid point. But now i'd ask the question "Just how much help would a
country be that is helping just because they see they have 'no other

Well, I don't think that matters. The reason is because we have no
other choice.  Iraq proved that; although the US could level most of
world with Nukes, overall we're really not that tough.

Sure we can blow up lots of stuff, but if the population doesn't
support us we'll eventually lose and sooner rather than later.

So, we need all of the help we can get no matter how half-hearted.
The "Powell doctrine" has been proven correct.

The Bush Administration *believed* their own BS - they thought they'd
just march into Iraq and soon democracy would spread throughout the
middle east.  This is an "on-faith" administration, not a fact-based
administration - they make decisions on faith rather than on facts
(tax cuts, WMD, stem cells, et al.).

Many people have said General Shinseki was not fired because he
publically disagreed with Mr. Bush, but because he didn't "get it" -
he didn't understand that invading Iraq would just work out as Mr.
Wolfowitz, Mr. Rumsfeld, Mr. Perle and others insisted would happen.
Gen. Shinseki ruined Mr. Bush's foreign policy religion with facts.

Mr. Bush's administration has a long record of ignoring facts that
don't fit their faith.  This is why over 100 scientists signed a
document claiming Mr. Bush misuses science; and why many prominent
foreign policy experts did the same; and why Sec. O'Neil was fired.
These people who make decisions based on facts can't be trusted to be
loyal to faith.

This is why as long as Mr. Bush is President we'll have horrible
foreign policy - they don't "get it" either.

----- Original Message -----
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:37:46 -0500
Subject: Re: The Republican Fear Machine is at it again
To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Valid point. But now i'd ask the question "Just how much help would a
country be that is helping just because they see they have 'no other

Isn't this an argument people have used to criticize the current set
of US allies?

   ----- Original Message -----
   From: Gruss Gott
   To: CF-Community
   Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:24 AM
   Subject: Re: The Republican Fear Machine is at it again


   3.) That's exactly the point - we need to make it hard for them to say
   they dislike us, and even harder for them to oppose helping us.  We
   have to back them into a moral corner and force them to either endorse
   civility or terrorism.  Given that choice, most countries have no
   choice but to help.

   The problem with the Iraq invasion is that is eliminated that  corner.
   Now countries can legitimately oppose the US and still have the moral
   high ground.  It is a diplomatic disaster for the "war on terrorism".
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