Sorry I’m late folks, very busy. Anyway.


Do you think you are in the center because you’re all
the way to left except for one issue where you're all
the way to the right?

You're not, your all the way on the left you just
don't know it. Very few people are all the way to the
Right or Left. That would mean 90% of the population
is in the center. The reality is most people favor one
side or the other. Those that don't just aren't paying
attention or can't. Every liberal I know says they're
in the middle but after a few minutes it's easy to
tell they’re not. When people start quoting Michael
Moore you know they're Liberal, no one else can ignore
all the facts and still believe such nonsense. You'll
say the same about me because I listen to Rush
Limbaugh. My point here is they think they're
impartial but they tend to believe the hype from one
side and not trust the other. 

Sure you'll find a few that fit Jim’s definitions but
that's rare and mainly found with voters not
politician. My favorite politician was Pat Moynihan
the guy Hillary replaced. He was a Dem but crossed the
line often. He might have been in the center but he
was way to the left on some issues and way to the
right on others. I think that made him an outer rim :)

You claim Bush is Right Wing but they aren’t strong
supporters, you proved that with the conservative that
endorsed him which you tried to pass it off as a
magazine endorsement. The conservatives don’t like him
because they think he’s too liberal with Immigration,
the borders, government spending and I’m sure there
are lots more. The fact that he crossed the line to
work with Kennedy for the education program angered
many but didn’t make him a centrist. 

Now you may want to believe McCain is in the center
but he's not. Many people here claim he didn't run
with Kerry because he's toeing the party line. Well
that means he's not in the center. He could have
easily told Kerry no and let it end there. Instead he
went to the press each time he was asked. The third
time he told the press there was no way he'd ever run
with Kerry so stop asking. Then he campaigned for
Bush. If he really was in the center you think he
would have went out of his way to slam Kerry?
The irony is if it was anyone else he might actually
have proven me wrong and played the middle. See McCain
must hate, yes hate, Kerry with a passion. Don't
forget McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton while Kerry was
helping his tormentors, and now he's claiming he's a
war hero. Then he asks a prisoner of war to be his
running mate. What gall. And you think this guys
bright enough to bring other countries along on the
war against terror?

Which brings me to the war. You support Kerry because
you think Bush made a major mistake going to Iraq. And
you think Kerry will do the right thing.
Well, the other day Kerry said if he was President
now, Saddam might not be in power. 

Kerry: "That's what you have inspectors for. That's
why I voted for the threat of force, because he only
does things when you have a legitimate threat of
force. It's irresponsible to suggest that if I were
President, he wouldn't be gone. He might be gone,
because if he hadn't complied, we might have had to go
to war, but if we did, we would have gone with allies,
so the American people weren't carrying the entire
burden. And the entire world would understand why we
did it."

Now everyone in the world except Kerry knows France,
Germany and Russia would not have helped removed
Saddam from power last year no matter who asked them
Kerry's living a fantasy and you're supporting it.
Like Bush said, if you don't like what Kerry said,
just wait awhile and it will change. He’s all over the
place, no wonder he won’t talk to Woodward even though
he has the questions in advance.

Another point you brought up was the military is more
likely to support Kerry because he fought. The
military does not like him. Most of the career
officers where in Viet Nam, and now the guy that put
them through hell is going to be their boss? Not a
good thing. Remember when Clinton was President many
of the top military men left, like Powel. They
couldn't stand the fact that someone who went to
England and burned the American flag was now their
Commander and Chief. What Kerry did was a lot worse
than burn a flag. Also, three quarters of the military
say they’re voting for Bush.

As to who you’re candidate is, you only believe what
you want so no matter what, only what Kerry says is
good. But when he changes his mind a day later are you
still with him?

--- Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Prove it:
> I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. 
> That means I believe
> in a small federal government, state's rights, and a
> balanced budget. 
> It also means I believe in keeping religion out of
> government, keeping
> the government out of our houses and bedrooms, and
> legalized drugs and
> prostitution.  Essentially I'm for freedom and civil
> liberties, and
> not the Patriot act.
> If the center is a scam, then who is my candidate if
> my top issue if
> fiscal conservativism?
> In this election the person who meets the most of
> those criteria, and
> best fits my weighted top issue, is John Kerry.  If
> Mr. McCain were
> running, however, he would fit more of those issues.
> Prove to me that Mr. Bush fits those criteria better
> and I'll vote for
> him.  I'm an issues voter not in a cult of
> personality.

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