If we don't start it we don't have to fight it.

The is a big difference between going after rogue terrorists and attacking soverign 
nations because we don't like them or they might have weapons that we have er eh I 
mean wmd. Sadam was a horrible human being, but there are many other cases of equally 
hideous people leading their country via torture and murder.  Are we goign to attack 
them all?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Morris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 11:44 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Why should we believe him now.

--- Ken Ketsdever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> A jihad against the US that for the most part has
> yet to hit home. obviously we suffered tremendously
> from 9/11 but take a look at the daily attacks in
> Iraq, afghanistan, Israel etc...  I don't fear
> getting on a bus, or plane.   How long until they
> take the fight to us here?

Maybe we're winning. Spain got attacked just before
the election and the terrorist got their way.
Here alls Bin Laden could do was play a video from a
cave stating he'll attack all the states that vote for
Bush. And that didn't sway us!

> Bush creating a self fulfilling proficy of future
> enemies, N. Korea, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China
> ...

Bush made N. Korea, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China
our enemies?
Were we really tight during the Clinton years and I
missed it?

> The patriot act providing even greater Big Brother
> enhancements to Government

Probably also why you feel safe flying today.

> I see a lot of potential for to outright destroy our
> country.
> The paradigm has shifted. It is a more global
> community and every explotation is publicized. 
> There is a difference between being a bully and a
> leader.  Mr. Bush has a 1950's cold war mentallity. 
> It is not a valid mentality in 2004.

This is no Cold War. It's outright war. World War III.
If we don't fight it we loose.


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