This is especially for Won, but any Yankees or Red Sox fan should apprecite 

>Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Boston Red Sox Fan
>Club. Due to an unprecedented volume of requests, we are currently
>processing only fan conversion registrations for New York Yankee fans.
>Conversion requests from other teams will be accepted once all Yankee
>requests are processed. We expect this to take a number of weeks based upon
>the current backlog of requests.
>Please take a few moments to fill out the conversion form below to help us
>get to know you better and prescribe any required counseling to recover from
>your previous fan experience.
>       Name: _______________________________
>       Address:______________________________
>       Who's Your Daddy:   ____________________
>1. Please select your favorite recent Yankee new player acquisition:
>             [ } "Flush" Gordan
>            [ ] "A-Hole-Rod" Rodriquez
>[ ] Gary "Talk-It-Can't-Walk-It" Sheffield
>            [ ]  "Grand Slam" Vazquez
>            [ ]  Kevin "Charlie" Brown
>2. Which of the following would you most like to see as the most    played
>YES Network "Great Moments in Yankee History" film clip in 2005:
>[ ] Rivera's "shocking" blown save in Game 4
>[ ] Rivera's "shocking" blown save in Game 5
>[ ] The Red Sox spraying celebratory champagne on their fans in Yankee
>Monument Park
>[ ] Vasquez's grand slam pitch to Johnny Damon in Game 7
>[ ] Vaquez's 2nd home run pitch to Johnny Damon in Game 7
>[ ] "Big Papi" Ortiz accepting MVP trophy at Yankee Stadium
>                  [ ] A-Rod crying like a little girl in the dugout after
>game 7
>3.  Please indicate the last book you read:
>[ ]  How to lose the ALCS in four very hard lessons
>[ ]  Suicide Hotline - It's not just for Cubs' fans anymore
>                  [ ]  The Heimlich Maneuver  -- What to do when choking
>4.  Which recent Yankees personnel move did you enjoy most:
>[ ] Hall-of-Famer Roger Clemens in an Astos' uniform
>                  [ ] Seeing David Wells in a Padres' uniform
>[ ] Seeing Tino Martinez in a Devil Rays uniform
>[ ] Seeing Alphosno Soriano in a Rangers's uniform
>[ ] Seeing Manny Ramirez remain in a Red Sox uniform
>5.  Which following designation best describes Derek Jeter's performance in
>this year's ALCS:
>           [ ]  Captain October
>           [ ] Captain Underpants
>           [ ] Captain & Tenille
>6.  Math:  The Red Sox and the Yankees played 26 times in 2005.  How  many
>more games did the Red Sox win than the Yankees?  (hint: the number is the
>same as the number in a four game sweep)
>7.  Please choose your favorite movie:
>          [ ]  Anger Management
>          [ ]  Hunt for Red October
>          [ ]  Damned Yankees
>          [ ]  Still We Believe
>8.  Finish this sentence:  "Alex Rodriquez is
>           a. overrated
>           b. overpaid
>           c. overdue
>           d. overly prissy
>           e. over
>9. Please select your favorite recent Yankee moment:
>      [ ]  Bucky Dent throwing out the first pitch with more velocity and
>movement than Kevin Brown
>      [ ]  The pathetic A-Rod slavishly mimicking every Jeter move and
>gesture in the Yankees' dugout
>      [ ] The Yankees wearing themselves out by scoring 19 runs when it
>didn't really matter, then losing 4 straight while leaving 10 million
>potential game-winning runners on base
>      [ ] Rivera failing to prevent unkempt hooligans from eating the
>Yankees' lunch and handing them their butts
>10.  Math:  How many times have the Yankees won the World Series in the last
>four years?  (hint: less than one)
>11.  Select the most vociferous, stupid, and annoying Yankee fan:
>      [ ]  Former NYC Mayor and 9-11 profiteer Rudy Giuliani
>      [ ]  Washed up "comic" hack and Yanks personal ballwasher Billy Crystal
>      [ ]  Front-running celebrity phony Jack Nicholson
>      [ ]  Tim McCarver
>12.  Are you ready to admit that:
>a. Ted Williams was better than Joe DiMaggio?
>b. Carlton Fisk was better than Thurman Munson?
>c. Even Manny Ramirez is faster than Bernie Williams?
>d. Reggie Jackson was a better outfielder than Matsui?
>e. Gary Sheffield owes his stats to steroid abuse?
>f. No self-respecting parasite would invade Jason Giambi?
>g. The Yankees were unable to win the ALCS because ex-Red Sox manager Don
>Zimmer wasn't sitting next to Joe Torre making all the decisions?
>13.  Please indicate your favorite moments in Yankee history: (Check all
>that apply):
>     [ ] Alex Rodriquez is traded to the Yankees
>     [ ] Don Mattingly never wins a World Series
>     [ ] The Yankees let Clemens get away
>     [ ] The Yankees steal Contreras from Boston, at the cost of many
>millions, then have to pay millions more to send him to Chicago
>     [ ] The Yankees let Petitte get away
>     [ ] Giambi's steroid abuse causes his body to collapse like a screen
>door in a hurricane.
>     [ ] The Yankees let Wells get away
>14.  Have you experienced any of the following after the embarrassing four
>game collapse? (Check all that apply)
>     [ ] Headache
>     [ ] Uncontrolled Anger
>     [ ] Heartache
>     [ ] Holes punched in doors or walls
>     [ ] Nausea
>     [ ] Smashed TV screens
>     [ ] Depression and Broken Dreams
>     [ ] Avoided Red Sox fans for days or weeks
>Once you have completed this form, please forward it to Fenway Park. Then
>burn all your remaining Yankee clothing, memorabilia, and associated
>reminders. After reviewing your request, the Red Sox Fan Club will contact
>you with notification of acceptance or rejection.
>I hereby acknowledge that the real "curse" is being a Yankee Fan.
>I hereby renounce the New York Yankees for all eternity on this the ______
>day of ________________, 200__
>           (Signed)
>      (Office Use Only)
>                     [ ] Approved
>                     [ ] Declined
>John HenryB

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