Have you seen the Census for this country? The Bush Campaign and the Swift
Boat Vets and all that did their job.

Made Kerry look weak, I think he is weak, I also think he is from
Massachusetts, which will hurt somebody in the south. I also think his wife
had something to do with it. He wouldn't authorize the release of his
military records after bringing up Vietnam to begin with. His wife wouldn't
release her tax information, so that makes people worry.

Kerry also seemed indecisive, he always had a plan, but didn't really give a
good way to pay for it. He talked about summits and global tests. People in
the south and the in the Midwest don't care about summits and global tests.
They want action, clear choices. I'm not saying that is right, I'm just
saying how I think they won.

A Massive re-vote is not the answer, if people felt strongly enough they
would have gotten up and voted. Paper ballots sure aren't the answer, I
think Florida showed us that last time.

Now are there problems with electronic voting, sure, but there will be
problems with anything like that, but we aren't talking 500 votes, we are
talking 300k and 150k.

Tony, what state do you live in? I ask because living in Kentucky it was
obvious who was going to win here.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 1:58 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Voter Fraud? Why are the exit polls so wrong in Florida?

the only justice that can come out of this election is for the country
to do a massive re-vote, all by paper and by hand and two forms of

then and only then, do i think the true winner would arise.

i cannot fathom that there are 57 million .22 totin dumb fuck
religious zealot evangelist morons that would really put a maniac in

it just boggles my mind.

sorry for the profanity folks, and sorry for the hardline view, but it
really scares me to be an american right now, and although id like to
say i was one of the people who visited the canadian immigration
website, i was not, however, just like the republicans fix elections
with ghost voters, you could count me as a ghost visitor the that site

its a sad day to be an american.


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