And the definitive answer (pretty much) on the etymology of "fuck", from 
the Macquarie Dictionary (the definitive source for
spoken and written English here in Australia) is...  Noting the last sent
ence, sorry to disappoint all of you, BTW.

"[early modern English fuc, fuk, from Middle English fuken (of a male) to
 have sex. Cognate with Middle Dutch fokken, Norwegian
dialect fukka, Swedish dialect focka, Dutch fokken to breed cattle, dogs,
 etc. (hence tha surname Fokker lit., breeder), and
thus representing a common Teutonic ancestor. The German ficken, is possi
bly from the same source. Postulated cognates outside
Teutonic are generally to words within the semantic area of `beat', `stri
ke', `prick', etc., e.g. Latin pungere to prick, Greek
pygmé fist, though Calvert Watkins in Heritage Illustrated Dictionary (
1969) derives it from the Indo-European root *peig-
evil-minded, hostile, and adduces cognates with fickle, foe, fey and feud
, words all Germanic in origin.
Absolutely NOT derived from a supposed acronym such as For Unlawful Carna
l Knowledge, or Fornication Under the Consent of the

So there you go!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephenie Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 4:25 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Profanity (Was Re: beauuuuutiful Friday)
> i heard it meant "Fornication Under [the] Crown [of the] King.....but i
> could be has happened once or twice [or more] before
> ~~
> steph
Stephen Collins, Technical Consultant - ACIS (Australia)
Allaire Certified ColdFusion 5 Developer

 ICQ UIN : 56321783                       Yahoo! : trib

  "Before I got into triathlon, I was a normal person."
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