Insurance companies don't make money off your premiums. Rather they
take your money and invest it in the stock market. Their profit
depends on how  the stock market is doing. When the market is down,
you get screwed and the insurance companies complain about lawyers and
greedy doctors etc, then bribe^H^H^H^H contribute to the political
parties for tort reform and so on. When the market is up, you get
screwed slightly less.


On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:01:03 -0600, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still blame the insurance racket.
> If you are selling a good or service, your main goal is to sell as many
> goods or services at the highest possible price that you can. One important
> consideration is "How much can my target customer base afford?". You can't
> charge a price that is so outrageous, your customers can't afford it, no
> matter how much they want/need it.
> Last year I had a laprascopic hernia surgery. Pretty simple procedure, took
> about 30 minutes. 1 hour recovery time, back home good as new that day. The
> surgeon billed my insurance company $9,800.00. Almost 10 thousand dollars.
> My insurance company looks at the bill, decides how much profit they want to
> make on me, and agree to pay some large portion of that bill.
> So what has happened here? For years i've paid large sums of money to an
> insurance company. I finally have a medical procedure. All this really means
> is that now its time for some doctors to share in my insurance company's
> they bill a ridiculous number. They decide how they want to
> divy up MY money. Everyone comes out rich, I get screwed.
> I'm an economic simpleton, i readily admit that....but where have I gone
> wrong here? Seriously, if insurance didn't exist....would my surgeon be
> selling his 30 minute medical procedure for $10,000 dollars???
> >
> > Interesting. The Canadian system is the equivalent to a top of the line
> PPO, yet it covers everyone, and is cheaper than the US system. Got to love
> theory of private enterprise works better than a public system.
> >

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