Awhile back there was some discussion on who Wall Street voted for;
oddly, I'm not sure we came to a group conclusion :)

Below find the results from a poll conducted on Oct 25-26 of 2,010
venture capital and private equity people.  They picked Mr. Kerry even
though most of them were Republican or Republican leaning - I like to
think that shows a knowledge of, and dissatisfaction with, Mr. Bush's
liberal spending.

Who do you plan to vote for on Election Day?

1.      George W. Bush: 46.2% (929) 
2.      John Kerry: 52% (1,045)
3.      Ralph Nader: 0.6% (11) 
4.      Other: 1.2% (25)

What is you political affiliation?

1.      Registered Republican: 34.9% (701) 
2.      Registered Democrat: 22.2% (447) 
3.      Independent, but with Republican tendencies: 17.2% (345) 
4.      Independent, but with Democratic tendencies: 14.8% (298) 
5.      Independent without leanings: 192 (9.6%) 
6.      Other: 1.3% (26)

What is the single most important factor in determining your vote?

1.      Candidate's personality: 9.6% (189) 
2.      Economy: 28.5% (558) 
3.      Environment: 1.2% (23) 
4.      Healthcare: 0.8% (17) 
5.      Homeland security: 16.8% (329) 
6.      Medical research: 0.6% (11) 
7.      War in Iraq: 22.5% (441) 
8.      Other: 20% (393)

Did the televised debates sway your vote?

1.      Yes, toward Bush: 4.2% (84) 
2.      Yes, toward Kerry: 18.1% (364) 
3.      No change: 72.6% (1,457) 
4.      Not applicable/didn't watch: 5% (101)

Have you changed your presidnetial preference in the past two months
(from one candidate to another, not from undecided to a candidate)?

1.      Yes: 6.3% (127) 
2.      No: 93.7% (1,867)

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