I have to let it out a bit.
I spent today home resting and playing with code. What type of code? Low level
optimization of Blackstone templates. Learned a lot of stuff. Found different
ways to do things that are tighter than what I was doing before. Talked with
people at MM about what I found. All in all, it was great. I loved it. It was
what I was meant to do. Investigation, documentation, optimization and creation
of new things. In being so happy with what I was doing the realization that I
just am not enthusiastic about my job hit me.
The work I'm actually getting paid for is to make mothernature.com work, upgrade
their systems, etc. Nice work and all, but I'm steadily losing my enthusiasm for
it as it's really kind of grunt work. I spent yesterday rewriting Raymond's
bugtracker into a project tracker for them.
"Why not just get a different package?"
"Because we're already using this and it shouldn't take you any time to convert
the whole thing to DB and add in the new features."
Riiiiight. It wasn't so hard to convert, but took a little time. Why? Because it
was grunt work and I hate grunt work. A trained monkey can convert a spectra
like bugtracker to use DB. This is basically what I have to deal with every day.
Grunt work with no real intelligence needed. Bug fixes to a code base written by
someone who should be shot. A publicly traded company sitting on a code base
that 'works', but is so convoluted that it takes more time to hunt down a bug
(through dozens of templates per page) than to fix it.
Why can't I get a job where I can do what I want to do. I want to write. I want
to investigate. I want to write clean, tight code from scratch that is
beautiful. I want to live in the art and beauty that is simple, tight code.
Today I rewrote the article display page for FA (final version). Do you know
it's about 6 lines of code.
I want to do that for everything. I want to let everyone know what I'm doing. I
want to do so much and I'm stuck working.
Yep, the rant is all about work which is foolish. I know people who are out of
work. I was out of work for a nice sized chunk of time. I should not complain,
especially as I have mouths to feed. I just want more out of life. I want to
help people. I want to enjoy what I do. I want to build all the cool stuff
that's sitting in my head. I want to be cloned!
Michael Dinowitz
House of Fusion
Finding technical solutions to the problems you didn't know you had yet

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