Think i'll offer the guy hosting. I'm all for supporting freedom of speech.

On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 12:53:09 -0700, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It contains video on the war from a number of sources. I am stranded
> on a dialup computer today but the video of the du'a that I finally
> saw after several hours was articulate and definitely has a point of
> view that is not making it onto Fox News. I'd be interested in other
> people's opinion.
> I caught the guy that runs it on AIM. He says it is objective but I
> wonder then why he would use a loaded word like terrorist. But here is
> what he had to say:
> Albqprovided [12:05 AM]:  you there?
> HMKJames2 [12:06 AM]:  hey
> Albqprovided [12:06 AM]:  just curious about your website... I can't
> quite figure out its purpose
> HMKJames2 [12:07 AM]:  to provide video content on the war
> HMKJames2 [12:07 AM]:  its un biased
> Albqprovided [12:07 AM]:   any and all then
> Albqprovided [12:10 AM]:  hmm I am trying to formulate a question
> over here... an easier one first; are you in the US, the UK, the
> Middle East or somewhere else?
> Albqprovided [12:10 AM]:  <--- NM btw :)
> HMKJames2 [12:12 AM]:  miami florida
> Albqprovided [12:14 AM]:  ::nod:: and people just upload the videos?
> I was sort of intrigued because I lurk on this sort of right-wing hate
> list where a link was posted, but the link that was posted was to the
> du'a and definitely did not seem to correspond to the list agenda.
> HMKJames2 [12:14 AM]:  no i find all the videos
> HMKJames2 [12:14 AM]:  i spend hours each day
> HMKJames2 [12:14 AM]:  searching through the asshole of humanity
> HMKJames2 [12:15 AM]:  finding these things that the mainstream media hides
> HMKJames2 [12:15 AM]:  a lot of people on my site are right-wingers
> everybody uses my site to suit their agenda
> HMKJames2 [12:15 AM]:  the terrorists
> HMKJames2 [12:15 AM]:  the leftists
> HMKJames2 [12:15 AM]:  the right-wingers
> HMKJames2 [12:16 AM]:  the christians the muslims the jews
> HMKJames2 [12:16 AM]:  they interpret it there own way which is
> exactly what i want
> Albqprovided [12:16 AM]:  so you yourself don't have one is what you are 
> saying
> HMKJames2 [12:16 AM]:  unlike fox news I really do report and let them decide
> Albqprovided [12:16 AM]:  I note the lack of interpretive text except
> in user comments
> HMKJames2 [12:17 AM]:  its more of a protest against the mainstream
> media owned by giant companies
> HMKJames2 [12:17 AM]:  they only show the same 10 seconds of footage
> HMKJames2 [12:17 AM]:  then show 10 minutes of some bullshit like american 
> idol
> Albqprovided [12:18 AM]:  I'll agree with that!
> HMKJames2 [12:18 AM]:  we all get our share of michael jackson
> HMKJames2 [12:18 AM]:  and americans being fat
> HMKJames2 [12:18 AM]:  then they cut to some diet commerical
> HMKJames2 [12:19 AM]:  very sickening you ll also note the lack of
> ads on my site
> Albqprovided [12:19 AM]:  ::nod::
> HMKJames2 [12:19 AM]:  maybe i should make an about page
> Albqprovided [12:20 AM]:  I think it would help
> Albqprovided [12:20 AM]:  especially if you are fundraising.
> Albqprovided [12:20 AM]:  I saw your note about server costs
> Albqprovided [12:21 AM]:  I am on dialup on this computer and would
> have to randomly select a video to download and would probably be here
> til Christmas if I did.
> Albqprovided [12:22 AM]:  which is why I thought I would see if you were 
> online
> Albqprovided [12:22 AM]:  I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me
> Albqprovided [12:23 AM]:  what do you do when you are not doing this?
> Are you retired military, an IT person, a student...
> Albqprovided [12:23 AM]:  ?
> HMKJames2 [12:24 AM]:  a student
> HMKJames2 [12:24 AM]:  dont worrt
> HMKJames2 [12:24 AM]:  worry* i am going to sell video cds of the
> content on my site
> HMKJames2 [12:25 AM]:  hopefully people will buy
> Albqprovided [12:25 AM]:  what sort of person would buy though?
> That's a bit worrisome :)
> HMKJames2 [12:26 AM]:  people with 56k
> HMKJames2 [12:26 AM]:  who do not want to download it
> HMKJames2 [12:26 AM]:  i saw somebody sell one of those documentaries
> on my site for 40 dollars
> Albqprovided [12:26 AM]:  btw, as a possibly helpful comment, posting
> filesizes would up us poor slobs on dialup :)
> Albqprovided [12:27 AM]:  er, would *help* I mean
> HMKJames2 [12:27 AM]:  yea i outta do it but i want to get them out
> real fast once i get them
> Albqprovided [12:28 AM]:  I did download the swf file for that dua
> thing... what's a dua anyway? A prayer?
> HMKJames2 [12:29 AM]:  it was a prayer against the americans they did in mecca
> Albqprovided [12:29 AM]:  it was certainly a point of view that is
> not being presented on Fox News :)
> HMKJames2 [12:29 AM]:  whats scary is that one part of it says allah
> make hurricanes a constant for them
> HMKJames2 [12:29 AM]:  and then we had 4 hurricanes down here
> Albqprovided [12:30 AM]:  I noticed that.. you mean this paryer
> predated the hurricanes?
> HMKJames2 [12:30 AM]:  it was just probably they said out of anger
> and coincidently we had them
> HMKJames2 [12:30 AM]:  that is the most logical reason
> Albqprovided [12:31 AM]:  or maybe it was after the hurricanes and
> they said good...
> HMKJames2 [12:31 AM]:  it came out before the hurricanes
> Albqprovided [12:32 AM]:  really
> HMKJames2 [12:32 AM]:  yeah
> Albqprovided [12:32 AM]:  well, I guess I am in favor of more
> information out there... have you heard from the men in black about
> this project? :)
> HMKJames2 [12:33 AM]:  g2g
> HMKJames2 is away at 12:33 AM
> --
> ...they did not stop to think they died instead
> then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"

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