OK, you're right. This becomes clear when I dig a little deeper into
the site :) then this is being circulated by people that don't realize
this. Should I tell them, is the next question :) or just let them
have their liittle bit of right-wing hysteria fun.


On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:35:53 -0500, Michael Dinowitz
> Joke. Subdermal chips are not commonplace yet and the use of them has serious 
> religious issues with Christians. There's some reference to a mark on the 
> hand or the head that this can be linked to.
> > http://www.holyobserver.com/detail.php?isu=v01i11&art=techno-tithe
> >
> > Techno-Tithe: Church Implants Microchips in Members' Right Hands
> > 
> > CROCKETT'S BLUFF, AR – In a startling collision of modern 
> > technology
> > and ministry, Crockett's Bluff Community Church is the first known
> > church in America to use Logitech's biochip technology to receive its
> > weekly tithes and offerings.
> >
> > According to last year's church theme - "Be ID'd With CBCC in '03" -
> > the congregation of 15,782 outfitted each member of its flock with a
> > subdermal microchip in the right hand. The device, smaller than a
> > mustard seed, contains the banking information of each worshipper and
> > is scanned by an usher as he or she enters the sanctuary.
> >
> > Pastor Bud Caldwell readily admits news of the action is sure to send
> > end times specialists scrambling to rewrite their works of
> > eschatological punditry. "Oh there'll be a buzz for a while.
> > Especially from the Van Impe's. Forgive me for saying this, but it
> > doesn't take much for Rexella to get her prophetic panties in a bunch.
> > If those two were halfway to heaven when credit cards came out, I can
> > only imagine."
> >
> > According to Caldwell, CBCC's corps of greeters have arrived at a
> > simple formula for deducting funds from each worshipper. "Ten percent
> > off the top for tithe, obviously. When it comes to offering, we just
> > let the Spirit lead. If that doesn't work, we try to see what kind of
> > car they drive."
> >
> > Some church members were admittedly unnerved when Caldwelll cast the
> > vision for the ambitious plan. Three years ago, Allison and Randy
> > Peavey left their sputtering church of 1,500 in Little Rock to attend
> > the suburban fellowship. Said 27 year old homemaker Allison, "I was
> > really shocked, like, 'is my pastor Nicolae Carpathia or something?'
> > But when Pastor Bud told us our contributions were still tax
> > deductible, I was reassured."
> >
> > "I just figured anybody who runs a church this big has to know what
> > he's doing," said Randy, a 42 year old CFO. "Besides, we prayed and
> > felt a peace about it."
> >
> > Terry Whisnant, 32, is pragmatic about the whole thing. "I do all my
> > banking online anyway. The chip is just another convenience for me -
> > it's one less thing to think about at church. Besides, Jesus tells us
> > when we give we shouldn't let the left hand know what the right hand
> > is doing. I can't think of a more perfect application of that verse."
> >
> > Still, the 51-year-old pastor tries to alleviate the fears of
> > newcomers, often employing lighthearted humor. "Before my message I
> > ask the visitors to give us a "hand" in the work God is doing at CBCC.
> > Get it? Hand..."
> >
> > What may not be a laughing matter to some newcomers at CBCC is the
> > foyer fellowship policy. In the church's official welcome brochure,
> > Visitors Pastor Hugh Dowd makes it clear that if you are not chipped,
> > you cannot partake in post-service coffee and donuts. "There is a
> > flipside however," said Dowd. "Once chipped, you not only get food and
> > fellowship, but you also get a ten percent discount at our
> > bookstore/Starbucks for a year."
> >
> > For his part, Lead Deacon Ralph Phillips is just happy to be getting
> > home earlier on Sundays. "By not taking an offering, we're saving 20
> > minutes per service. Also, I don't have to count money afterwards.
> > That's another half hour. Now I'm home for the 1 o'clock game. How
> > 'bout them Cowboys!"
> >
> > Though he's sure to face a firestorm from pre-millennials, the affable
> > Caldwell seems unfazed by the technology's semblance to what
> > eschatologists such as Hal Lindsay and Chuck Missler refer to as the
> > mark of the beast in Revelation 13. "Look, I'm a classic
> > dispensationalist myself, but I see it as a win-win situation. We
> > either continue at the cutting edge of contemporary ministry, or we
> > trigger the rapture and bada bing, we're outta here, brother!"
> >
> > Dana
> >
> > --
> > ...they did not stop to think they died instead
> > then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"
> >
> >

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