> May I suggest with great respect that even if all of this is true --
> and I know at least some of it is -- it does not reduce the validity
> of the Bush comparison. Hitler would be Hitler even if he were up
> against Genghis Khan, right? Intelligent finger pointing is still
> fingerpointing.

I wasn't pointing any fingers, simply pointing out the fact that I
draw the comparison between Hitler and Hussein rather than Bush and
Hussein.  You also have to draw in the following facts:

Hitler and Hussein were both allowed to take complete control of their
country's political system.  That will not happen with Bush, as it
would require a complete departure from the very Constitiution that he
has taken an oath to follow.  In addition, the population of the
country (even the most conservative of us) would never support the
kinds of losses of freedom we would experience to have our voice taken

The comparison between Bush and Hitler can only be made to an extent.
- Yes, they both won popular elections.
- Yes, they are both very nationalistic - but why on earth would any
country want a Commander in Chief that didn't love his country and the
ideals it was founded on?
- Yes, they both made unilateral military actions; however with Hitler
he did so against France and England *after* signing a non-agression

However, there are a few distinct differences that can be drawn as well.
- Hitler alienated, incarcerated and eventually incenerated those that
were not in his "grand plan".  Bush openly accepts and appreciates
people of other religons, genders and colors.
- Hitler's military actions were taken for the sole purpose of
expanding the size of his German Empire.  No US military action from
WWI has been taken for expansionist purposes.

> By the way, as far as I know Saddam hadn't massacred anyone for about
> ten years. I don't say this to minimize the horror of any massacre,
> just to say that he didn't seem to be a really imminent threat to the
> Kurds either.  Do we really know who he hated?

The first and most obvious question in reply to this is when has Bush
(or any US president for that matter) ever directly ordered the
massacare of *ANYONE* let alone innocent civilians?  The answer is

Secondly, look at history.  His previous actions against the Kurds,
his outright support for the PLO and Hammas point to his preferences.


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