Robert Munn wrote:
> Michael, 
> One thing I would emphasize is that in a real estate transaction the seller 
> pays the realtor's fee. 

The seller pays the fee.  Then they give you that BS that they will only 
work with you if you are exclusive with them.  What a huge conflict of 
interest.  And I make sure I tell them upfront so they know where they 
stand with me.  The broker's real client is the seller because the 
seller is the one that gives him money.  The broker has all the 
incentive to try to get as much money out of you as possible since a 
higher cost means a higher commission of the broker.  Plus the brokers 
in NJ/NY don't want you to see other brokers.  They are trying to stifle 
competition.  Do you know what happens in the abscence of competition? 
Avarice runs wild and brokers get fat.  I'm sure there are exceptions. 
Robert, you seem like a good guy and as I'm pretty sure your wife is one 
of the few honest brokers.  But as a whole, I actually trust used car 
salesmen more then I do brokers.  At least they know the hand that feeds 

2004 - The year $184M couldn't buy a pennant.

Ron Artest: Extremely flawed, very accidental, semi-martyr

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