And here is even more detail on the programming that will be required on the 
Cell platform, talking about APUlets and processing
elements... just *sounds* complex to program for. One article mentioned, 
quite humorously I think, that PS2 programmers are only
now starting to tap into the full power of the system. How many years did that 
take, they're only now producing the types of games
and graphics that were expected at launch? When the Next Generation is due out? 

"At root, the Cell architecture rests on two concepts: the "apulet," a bundle 
comprising a data object and the code necessary to
perform an action upon it; and the "processing element," a hierarchical bundle 
of control and streaming processor resources that can
execute any apulet at any time.

The apulets appear to be completely portable among the processing elements in a 
system, so that tasks can be doled out dynamically
by assigning a waiting apulet to an available processing element. Scalability 
can be achieved by adding processing elements.

These ideas are not easily achieved. According to data from Paul Zimmons, a PhD 
graduate in computer science from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, they require a highly intelligent way of 
dividing memory into protected regions called "bricks,"
careful attention to memory bandwidth and local storage, and massive bandwidth 
between processing elements — even those lying on
separate chips."


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