Hi Jim,

>Please don't construe this as a personal attack of any kind.  

No worries!  I know my own personal beliefs, and, as I said before, I'm not 
completely on board with everything that PETA does.  I don't take critisism of 
PETA as critisism of me.  Some of the things you all are mentioning I knew 
about before, and some I didn't.  This discussion has been informative for me.

>Their tax figures show that very little of the money they take in reaches
>actual animal support organizations.  Most of the money is spent in

This website just picks out a handful of the cheapest donations they made in 
2001. I don't see this site (um... affiliated with www.huntersunite.com?) as a 
very unbiased source.  Also, how is spending money on a Spay and Neuter 
Assistance Program (SNAP) Vehicle self-aggrandizement?  It's for neutering cats 
and dogs! And, is $33,000 on computers, videocameras, and other electronic 
equipment over the top?  I'm guessing that most companies come with overhead of 
this nature.  I know all companies I've worked for have had MUCH more 
infrastructure and much more in computer expenses (and if only CF were free...) 
 And when you're in the business of taking secret videos in chicken farms, 
you've gotta have some sweet equipment, anyway :-)

>"If we really believe that animals have the same right to be free from pain
>and suffering at our hands, then, of course we're going to be, as a
>movement, blowing things up and smashing windows . I think it's a great way
>to bring about animal liberation . I think it would be great if all of the
>fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories, and the banks that
>fund them exploded tomorrow. I think it's perfectly appropriate for people
>to take bricks and toss them through the windows ... Hallelujah to the
>people who are willing to do it."
>This was said by Bruce Friedrich of PETA during the "Animal Rights 2001"

This guy went to my college.  He's also running for president!  
(http://www.votebruce.com).  I don't agree with this statement, nor any actions 
that he describes.  As a sidenote, I think he tried to sue our dining hall for 
serving tater tots that contained lard, but were labeled as vegan. Sheesh.  
Aside, though, from the statements in support of ALF, I still havent' seen 
evidence of donations in their direction.  Am I missing something?

>PETA has two very distinct faces: one they show to the civilized world in an
>effort to gain support and donations.  Another however is shown when you dig
>deep: one that supports extremism, fanaticism and hate.

Quite possibly.  What are some other animal rights orgs that are not affiliated 
with such practices?

thanks for your feedback!

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