I see your point but I personally don't see him as a causal factor. 
In other words, you're preaching to the converted here. I think the
FTC is not doing its job, but I think this because of media ownership,
not Janet's breast.

I haven't listened to Stern since he left DC101 but if he hasn't done
any bits about the towers or the tsunami, kudos to him, maybe he does
have a bottom after all.


On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 13:35:12 -0800, William Bowen
> > making a joke out of a disaster.
> I went a little to the overzealous side in my reply, but I guess my
> main point is this: while still tasteless to make jokes about it, the
> scale of the disaster in the plane crash isn't even close to that of
> the tsunami. Doesn't mitigate the fact that people lost their lives,
> but consider this, Howard didn't crack jokes about the WTC on or after
> 9/11, neither has he attempted to make light of the tsunami (I listen
> almost every day for at least an hour, Seattle radio really blows).
> Yet he still gets mentioned in the same breath when someone else
> does...
> > Actually I could care less about Janet's breast. I have two of my own.
> yeah, pretty much true for everybody, but the FCC specifically cited
> Stern in comments about "BreastGate," and I have yet to be able to
> figure out why.
> FWIW, I hear Howard's name invoked whenever someone does something
> tastless on the radio and gets burned for it. As if there is some sort
> of  causal relationship, that without Howard, no one would air
> tasteless material, and that just isn't true!
> :-)
> --
> will
> "If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
> and that would just be unacceptable."
> - Carrie Fisher

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